GayTalk - LGBTQIA Talk Radio, News, Chat and Music

5/30/2009 - 9:00 AM PST DAILY -

GayTalk at 9 AM (PST) every day.

Live text chat, talk radio, and news; all with a LGBTQIA slant!

Attend our live show at 9 AM PST everyday by visiting

You may call in during the live show by dialing (724) 444-7444 (input the Call ID number 35331).

If you aren't able to call in during the live show call our voicemail at (360) 283-5052 or send me email

Join me daily (9 AM PST) for some laughs along with your news, except on Sundays when we have an open forum roundtable.

Hear todays show (click here).

We are on a mission to start a new dedicated LGBT Channel/Station.

To hear more about this, click here.

To help us organize, join us at

Donations and or sponsors are welcome (click here).

Please visit

All the best to you and yours.



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