Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Lynchburg News and Advance

Update on the latest in religion news: | KXNet.com North Dakota News
AP Washington (AP) The group Americans United for Separation of Church and State wants the Internal Revenue Service to review Liberty University's tax-exempt status because the Christian school revoked its recognition of a student-run Democratic club. ...
Watchdog Group Urges IRS to Review Liberty U. on Issue of Club Chronicle of Philanthropy (subscription)
Church-State Watchdog Seeks IRS Probe Over School's Democrats 'Ban' Christian Post
Group asks IRS to review Liberty University's tax-exempt status Lynchburg News and Advance
PR Newswire (press release) - Richmond Times Dispatch
all 274 news articles

BBC News

No separation between church and 8
Dallas Voice, TX
The courts in Iowa realized that prohibition of same-sex marriage is little more than a blurring of church-state separation and they threw it out. Unfortunately, the California court based their decision on the lawsuit that was brought against the ...
Video: Gay Groups Call Federal Marriage Suit Premature The Associated Preted Press
CA Court Refuses Charter, Fails to Defend Constitution Huffington Post
Prop 8 Opponents Seeing Stars Pollstar
Los Angeles Times - NewsBusters
all 4,794 news articles

Wisconsin: Judge to rule on church graduations
Dubuque Telegraph Herald, IA
The lawsuit was filed in April by Americans United for Separation of Church and State, on behalf of a graduating senior and several others who were not named. It seeks to prevent the graduation ceremonies from being held at the church June 6 and 7. ...
Judge To Rule This Week On Graduations At Church WMTV
all 2 news articles

Group: Salvation Army-run homeless shelter might cross separation ...
La Crosse Tribune, WI
Washington, DC-based Americans United for Separation of Church and State has given the county until mid-June to address allegations about The Salvation Army homeless shelter in La Crosse. The group said it has received complaints “the Army regularly ...
Group opposes La Crosse County shelter prayer Chicago Tribune
Debate Over Prayer at the Salvation Army WEAU-TV 13
all 25 news articles


Experts: Sotomayor's record on religion unlikely to stir controversy
Associated Baptist Press, FL
“The Senate Judiciary Committee should thoroughly question Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor to determine her views on church-state separation,” said a statement on the nomination from Americans United for Separation of Church and State. ...
Video: Obama to Senate: Confirm Sotomayor The Associated Press
Key cases reveal few Sonia Sotomayor clues Politico
Sotomayor, religious freedom and the great unknown First Amendment Center
The BLT - Christian Science Monitor
all 12,622 news articles


Federal Judge Declines Immediate Elmbrook Ruling
Today's TMJ4, WI
By Diane Pathieu "This is a clear violation of the Constitution, a clear violation of the separation of church and state," said Alex Luchenitser, litigation counsel for Americans United for Separation of Church and State. "These students and family ...
Judge hearing challenge of graduation in church WBAY
Judge to decide by Thursday on Elmbrook graduation site Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Decision On Elmbrook's Graduation To Be Made Next Week WISN.com
all 29 news articles


Wikipedia excommunicates Church of Scientology
Didn't Thomas Jefferson say that church and state should be separated by a wall and it's written in the Constitution that there must be separation of church and state. Bigotry and hatemongering against gays should be banned. ...

Supreme Court Nominee Should Be Closely Questioned on Church-State ...
Common Dreams (press release), ME
WASHINGTON - May 26 - The Senate Judiciary Committee should thoroughly question Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor to determine her views on church-state separation, says Americans United for Separation of Church and State. ...
Americans United Criticizes California Supreme Court Ruling ... Common Dreams (press release)
all 2 news articles

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)