From both sides (T12R-5)

The ios Pink List - the great and good LGBT in the UK
Of course, it's not a complete list because they've not mentioned Ryan and Tim from afterelton's Gay in the UK vlog and nor have they mentioned Dr Christian ...

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Anti-gay bias still rampant in the media: When will broadcasters ...
New York Daily News
Forty years ago this week, LGBT patrons of New York City's Stonewall Inn, long tired of police harassment, took to the streets in protest following yet ...

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Group Petitions to Expand 1964 Civil Rights Act to Include LGBT
Dr. Mel White, Founder, Soulforce and author of Stranger at the Gate: To be Gay and Christian in America., Mandy Carter, an African-American lesbian ...

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By Thaddeus M. BaklinskiTORONTO, June 29, 2009 ( - Toronto's sordid display of homosexual licentiousness, the 'gay pride' parade, which annually features acts of public indecency, including full nudity, took place this weekend as planned; but Toronto city officials...

Daily Mail

Gay exorcism video abuse or freedom of religion
We have nothing against homosexuals. I just don't agree with their lifestyle." McKinney also stated the teen came to them for the casting out services, ...
Gay Exorcism Video Prompts OutrageOn Top Magazine
Video of church's 'casting out' gay 'demon' in teen sparks angerCNN International
Gay exorcism: 'Loose your grip, Lucifer!'Times Online Blogs -Ekklesia
all 325 news articles »

What it is like to be an atheist in today's world; one perspective
Bottom line, I'm not gay (not that there's anything wrong with that) and my being an atheist cannot be exactly compared to being a homosexual. ...

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ACNA eulogized...CA Parish Heads to US Supreme Court...Gay ...
Virtue Online
It seems they will stop at nothing until these congregations, who disagree with the ordination of homosexual priests, lose their houses of worship -- the ...
New North American Anglican grouping won't last says gay bishopAnglican Journal

all 11 news articles »


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