From both sides (T12R-5)


Obama: I Am A Champion For Gay Americans
CBS News
"I know that many in this room don't believe that progress has come fast enough, and I understand that," Mr. Obama said at a reception for LGBT Pride Month ...
Obama Pledges to Ally with Gays for More 'Progress'Christian Post
Obama meets with gay groups at 'Pride Month' reception at White
White House Gay Reception Streamed Live TodayThe Moderate Voice
Opposing Views
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The IoS Pink List - the great and good LGBT in the UK
Of course, it's not a complete list because they've not mentioned Ryan and Tim from AfterElton's Gay in the UK vlog and nor have they mentioned Dr Christian ...

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New federation to advocate conservative values
But the leader of one LGBT group expressed skepticism about the impact of the new group. Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task ...

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High Court Won't Hear Bible-Club Case
... called the Gay Straight Alliance," he noted, "and they limit their membership to only those who agree with particular views on homosexual behavior. ...

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Times of India
This, and not the fact that people indulge in homosexual relationships, is a perversion. The state has no business in regulating sexual affairs between ...
Church to Oppose Legalization of Gay Sex in IndiaChristian Post

all 273 news articles »

Daily Mail

Gay exorcism video abuse or freedom of religion
We have nothing against homosexuals. I just don't agree with their lifestyle." McKinney also stated the teen came to them for the casting out services, ...
Gay Exorcism Video Prompts OutrageOn Top Magazine
Video of church's 'casting out' gay 'demon' in teen sparks angerCNN International
Gay exorcism: 'Loose your grip, Lucifer!'Times Online Blogs
all 325 news articles »


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