Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)


Update on the latest in religion news: | North Dakota News
WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack Obama says that while he's dedicated to expanding gay rights, many Americans still cling to what he calls "worn arguments ...
Supreme Court won't get involved in school's blocking of Bible clubLongview Daily News
High court won't hear Kent schools Bible-club caseSeattle Times
Court won't get involved in Bible club questionThe Associated Press
KPLU -Education Week News (subscription)
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Labor secretary denounces gay pride poster vandals
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) â€" Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is denouncing vandals who defaced many of the gay pride posters installed at the agency's Washington ...

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Times Online

Coming out atheist vs. coming out gay
In the Catholic religion with which I was raised, there is a sacrament of Confirmation that happens around the age of 14. The basic purpose is to confirm ...
There'll be no tent for God at Camp DawkinsTimes Online
What it is like to be an atheist in today's world; one
Save a seat for an

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Gay rights advocates want Civil Right Act expanded
Currently the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion and sex. Nadler chairs a subcommittee on civil ...

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Washington Post

Obama: I Am A Champion For Gay Americans
CBS News
Why do you religious fueled neo cons always feel that the constitution takes a back seat to your religion? by hungry1968-15 June 29, 2009 6:30 PM PDT by ...
Stonewall, 40 years later: human rights and equalityDaily Kos
GLBT Day at The White HouseChristian Broadcasting Network
40 Years Later, Still Second-Class AmericansDaily Kos

all 364 news articles »

Washington Post

Obama: I Am A Champion For Gay Americans
CBS News
"I know that many in this room don't believe that progress has come fast enough, and I understand that," Mr. Obama said at a reception for LGBT Pride Month ...
GLBT Day at The White HouseChristian Broadcasting Network

all 364 news articles »


Mayors criticize Justice Department support for Defense of ...
Los Angeles Times
"The President has said he wants to see a legislative repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act because it prevents LGBT couples from being granted equal rights ...
Gay Rights Group Tells President Obama That His Pro-DOMA Legal ...ABC News
NH legalizes gay marriageQ-Notes - Carolinas LGBT news source

all 456 news articles »

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