Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Hindus & Jews want separation of church and state in Denmark
World News
Hindus and Jews have urged for separation of church and state in Denmark, where currently The Danish National Church is a state church. ...

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Complex Forces Behind the Veil
Washington Post Blogs
We too easily conflate the notion of the separation of Church and State in France and the USA, when in fact the different histories of these two nations ...

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What is a Baptist: Part 6
Now, we will be talking about the S in the acrostic BAPTIST, which means separation of Church and State. There seems to be a confusion of what separation of ...
Herbert A. Opalek: Being a responsible ChristianMerced Sun-Star
Bible distortionKansas City Jewish Chronicle

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Manslaughter trial begins for 'faith healing' parents
Green, the former general counsel for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said the legal standard for state intervention in medical care of ...

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On church-state issues, Obama brings new perspective, slow policy ...
Dallas Baptist Standard
“As someone who used to teach constitutional law, I believe deeply in the separation of church and state, but I don't believe this partnership will endanger ...

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Newtown Square mom may take case to Supreme Court
Philadelphia Inquirer
She is considering whether to continue with a case that tackles issues of free speech and separation of church and state. If she goes forward, Busch says, ...

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Watchdog Group Says Private Religious Activity In School Is Protected
Church-State Watchdog Group Asks U.S. Department Of Justice To Cut Off
Ruling Prevents Government From Co-opting Religious Symbols, Church-State Watchdog Group Says
Fifth Street Baptist Church In Richmond May Have Violated Federal Tax Law With Moran Appearance And Endorsement, Watchdog Group Says
Decision Is Loss For All Students And The Constitution, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Says Falwell Attack Is Designed To Shift Attention From Liberty University Partisanship
Killing Of Dr. George Tiller Is ‘Affront To Every Moral System Imaginable,’ Says AU’s Lynn
Watchdog Group Tells Tax Agency Falwell-Founded School Is Showing Preference For Republicans By Curbing Student Democratic Club
National Watchdog Organization Says Right To Marry Must Not Be Nullified By Religious Groups
Watchdog Group Calls On Senate Judiciary Committee To Ascertain Sonia Sotomayor̢۪s Views On Religious Liberty Issues
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Program Has Failed And Should Be Abandoned
Erecting A Religious Monument At The State Capitol Would Violate The Constitution, AU̢۪s Lynn Warns
Church-State Watchdog Group Reminds Religious Leaders That Federal Tax Law Prohibits Election Intervention By Churches
President Will Sign Proclamation, But Won̢۪t Hold White House Event
Americans United Warns Legislature Not To Mandate Car Tags Featuring Cross And Crucified Head Of Jesus
Watchdog Group Files Case On Behalf Of Local Families Who Object To Sectarian Venue For Public Event
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Bush Medical Regulations Are Unnecessary And Could Violate Patients' Rights
Decision Reiterates That Religion Does Not Drive Public Policy, Says Church-State Watchdog Group
Church-State Watchdog Group Urges State Supreme Court To Block Legislature's $10 Million Grant To University Of The Cumberlands
Church-State Watchdog Group Expresses Disappointment At Selection

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)