Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

What's common between sex and religion? That both are best left to civil society and the consciences of private individuals, rather than allowed to become a police matter. Sunday saw the happy coming out party of gays, lesbians and queers in cities across India.
The riot that changed America's sexual politics
The City Commission voted unanimously to approve an ordinance that bans descrimination, but not everyone was in favor of the measure. Dozens of people packed the Kalamazoo City Commission chambers tonight over an Anti-Discrimination ordinance.
LGBT Pride posters defaced at the U.S. Department of Labor, Bernie Madoff sentenced and more.
The riot that changed America's sexual politics
Barack Obama didn't kill liberalism; he's just doing a nice job of burying it. The end of liberalism as a meaningful ideology came with the nomination of Bill Clinton. The argument was - although hardly phrased so accurately - that it was far better ...
In early May, National Public Radio, a supposed bastion of liberal media bias, found itself in the cross hairs of the lesbian and gay community over an online review of "Outrage.".
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is denouncing vandals who defaced many of the gay pride posters installed at the agency's Washington headquarters.
The riot that changed America's sexual politics


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