Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

NowOPINION: In Great Neck, wall between church & state has crumbled
Throughout our country's history, the separation of church and state mandated in the Constitution has been at the center of an ongoing re-evaluation of who ...

Separation of church and state: Fact and fallacy
Toledo Free Press
One thing I kept hearing invoked repeatedly was “separation of church and state.” Not only has that statement been maligned and misused for far too long, ...


Army Sec. Nominee McHugh has Troubling Church-State Record
Opposing Views
By Americans United - 13 Hours Ago Americans United for Separation of Church and State today asked the Senate Armed Services Committee to question US Rep. ...
Religious coercion in the US militaryExaminer.com

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Calvin's Legacy: Dour Autocrat or Democracy's Hero?
Wall Street Journal
Second, there was a willingness to acknowledge Calvin's limitationsâ€"the de facto merging of church and state in Geneva, his role in the execution of the ...

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The Existence of God
While Bible readings and prayer were purged from our public schools in the name of the separation of church and state; prayer was still offered at the ...

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A Christian nation equals religion in schools, part 3
[8] An issue that bares directly upon the issue of separation of church and state is that Madison, as time went on, “increasingly became convinced that the ...

IRS Is Investigating Finances, Pastor of Sterling Church Says
Washington Post
"We believe in the separation of church and state," he told The Post then. In the July 12 discussion, Scott said the IRS is also focusing on what he calls ...


Christian Crusader fights separation of church & state with billboards
As the founder, president and sole employee of the Community Issues Council, he's out to disprove what he calls the lie of "separation of church and state". ...
Ads Tout Religion in GovernmentThe Ledger

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)