From both sides (T12R-5)

Bay Area Reporter

Religion: ELCA leadership agrees to allow practicing homosexual ...
World Magazine
Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson called on voting members, who had just spent days in grueling debate over blessing same-sex unions and homosexual clergy, ...
ELCA: How Did We Come to This?Virtue Online
Lutherans: American Lutheran Church's vote on gay rights to carry ...Religioscope
Decision seen as counter to faithTulsa World
Columbus Dispatch -Tulsa World
all 162 news articles »


Uruguay nears same-sex adoption law
CNN International
"The adoption of children by homosexual couples is not a question of religion, philosophy or sociology. It has to do with respect for human nature itself," ...
Uruguay Set to Allow Gays to
Uruguay becoming first Latin American country to legalize gay

all 167 news articles »

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