Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

BBC News

Ted Kennedy legacy: Separation of church and state
The broad and deep legacy of Senator Ted Kennedy is informed by his staunch commitment to the separation of church and state. Kennedy consistently voted to ...
Kennedy Was Champion of Church-State Separation, Says Americans UnitedCommon Dreams (press release)
Hodges: Kennedy driven by faith even when he defied itSalt Lake Tribune
Ted Kennedy's ambiguous legacyMercatorNet
The New American -U.S. News & World Report -Examiner.com
all 27,066 news articles »


Religious-freedom groups mourn Kennedy, cite church-state views
Associated Baptist Press
While advocating for a robust separation of church and state, Kennedy insisted, this “cannot mean an absolute separation between moral principles and ...
My Friend, Ted KennedyFOXNews
Video: Ted Kennedy at Jerry Falwell's Liberty UniversityU.S. News & World Report
October Surprise: The Day Sen. Kennedy Laid Down The (Church-State ...Americans United

all 11 news articles »


FFRF and the Olympia Capitol sign
This truly was a big step in the fight for separation of church and state to which we owe a debt of gratitude to FFRF. As Annie Laurie said, ...

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Diocese appears to break pledge
Boston Globe
A Roman Catholic diocese in Connecticut has invoked the First Amendment's separation of church and state in a ...

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Indiana's NewsCenter

Religion News in Brief
The Associated Press
Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Anti-Defamation League told state officials that they've identified at least 97 religious ...
Hard Questions demand qualified answers: denominational votes ...Examiner.com

all 136 news articles »

Americans United questions grants to religious groups
Americans United for Separation of Church and State are addressing Illinois government officials over grants that might go to some religious groups. ...

and more »

Big Hollywood

A Christian Nation
Big Hollywood
Of course Jefferson also, in a letter to the Danbury Baptists, first coined the popular phrase, “Separation of Church and State,” which has been used for so ...

and more »
Church-State Watchdog Group Mourns Passing Of Massachusetts Senator
Decision Says Connecticut Church Cannot Display Proselytizing Materials In Contract Postal Unit
Church-State Watchdog Group Questions $40 Million In Grants To Religious Groups
Church-State Watchdog Group Urges New York Town To Respect Constitution And Religious Diversity
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Government-Sponsored Religious Symbols Are Bad For Adherents And Nonadherents Alike
Watchdog Group Criticizes Program For Subsidizing Religion And Failing To Boost Student Achievement
Nominee To Be Secretary Of The Army Has Poor Record On Church-State Issues, Says Watchdog Group
School-Sponsored Evangelism Is Wrong, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Supreme Court Nominee̢۪s Religious Liberty Decisions Are Few, Watchdog Group̢۪s Report Says
District Court Was Wrong When It Blocked A State Regulation Mandating The Sale Of Emergency Contraceptives, Appellate Panel Holds
Watchdog Group Says Private Religious Activity In School Is Protected
Church-State Watchdog Group Asks U.S. Department Of Justice To Cut Off
Ruling Prevents Government From Co-opting Religious Symbols, Church-State Watchdog Group Says
Fifth Street Baptist Church In Richmond May Have Violated Federal Tax Law With Moran Appearance And Endorsement, Watchdog Group Says
Decision Is Loss For All Students And The Constitution, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Killing Of Dr. George Tiller Is ‘Affront To Every Moral System Imaginable,’ Says AU’s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Says Falwell Attack Is Designed To Shift Attention From Liberty University Partisanship
Watchdog Group Tells Tax Agency Falwell-Founded School Is Showing Preference For Republicans By Curbing Student Democratic Club
National Watchdog Organization Says Right To Marry Must Not Be Nullified By Religious Groups
Watchdog Group Calls On Senate Judiciary Committee To Ascertain Sonia Sotomayor̢۪s Views On Religious Liberty Issues

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)