From both sides (T12R-5)

The Daily Gazette

The Social-State Utopia Is Only Getting Gayer
The Daily Gazette
The “Green” Bündis 90/Die Grünen [The Greens], are, surprise, the environmentalist party of the bunch, and have also supported LGBT rights and progressive ...

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Committee for Better Atlanta ratings include gay candidates
Willis has long been a supporter of LGBT issues, including hosting an annual Pride party. In the other citywide race, Post 2 At-Large, Amir Farokhi and ...
Waites runs for Atlanta City

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RantRave | Published Opinion.

Gay Activist As School Safety Czar ?!
RantRave | Published Opinion.
There is no law against a homosexual being a teacher. Those who uphold the laws of the jurisdiction in which they teach have the protection of the law for ...

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Gay billboard vandalized
Columbia Daily Herald
The military has a don't ask don't tell policy, but does not allow homosexual actions. That's a BIG no-no in their world. I've seen people kicked out for ...

Melbourne Community Voice

Prop. 8 déjà vu in Maine
Bay Windows
The anti-gay side's first ad said: "Special-interest groups got the Legislature to approve homosexual marriage and tried to prevent Mainers from voting. ...
Same sex rights campaigners ramp up actionCathNews

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