From both sides (T12R-5)

New York Times

Christian Right Claims Hate Crime Law Will Ban Free Speech
EDGE Boston
Ant-gay religious site onenewsnow posted an article that same day warning that Christian broadcasting companies feared the law could be used to squelch ...
Obama signs bill extending hate-crimes protectionsAssociated Baptist Press

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The battle lines are drawn
Taipei Times
Following in the wake of an anti-gay march organized by religious groups last week, this year's Taiwan LGBT Pride 2009 takes to the streets ...
The state of LGBT travelBay Windows
Our View: Celebrate Gay Pride Week and Stop Second-Class CitizenshipThe Auburn Plainsman
Coming out by telling people that you went to the pride march?

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Memphis Flyer

Article of Faith: Faith Leaders Support Marriage Equality in Maine
Common Dreams (press release)
And the pro-LGBT community must continue to support, lift up and make space for pro-LGBT religious work that draws on the strengths of religious communities ...
News in brief: No Castro Halloween street party this yearBay Area Reporter

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Christian Concern for our Nation (press release)

Free speech and homophobia
Even if the desire of the men of Sodom to rape their male guests was sinful because of its sexual nature, this was a case of homosexual rape. ...
Elderly woman objecting to homosexual pride parade equated with murderers by ...Christian Concern for our Nation (press release)
Gay rights campaigners stand up for free speech of opponentsEkklesia

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