From both sides (T12R-5)

New York Times

Christian Right Claims Hate Crime Law Will Ban Free Speech
EDGE Boston
Ant-gay religious site onenewsnow posted an article that same day warning that Christian broadcasting companies feared the law could be used to squelch ...
Obama signs bill extending hate-crimes protectionsAssociated Baptist Press

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Mr. Cuccinelli's bigotry
Washington Post
Homosexual acts, said Mr. Cuccinelli, currently a state senator, are "intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law-based country it's appropriate to ...
Post Calls Virginia GOP Attorney General Candidate a BigotNewsBusters (blog)
How Ken Cuccinelli's Homophobia Gave the Media a Chance to Finally Identify ...Queerty (blog)
David Lampo | Cuccinelli is no libertarianAugusta Free Press
Towleroad (blog)
all 48 news articles »

Big Hollywood (blog)

Boo-Hoo: Gays' Lachrymose Last Resort in the War Against Mormons
Big Hollywood (blog)
If I were to do so then homosexual would be meaningless. Religion aside; words must have meaning otherwise everything is meaningless. ...

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