Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

New York Times

Paganism, Just Another Religion for Military and Academia
New York Times
Brought by Americans United for Separation of Church and State on behalf of Circle Sanctuary and several widows, the decade-long litigation sought ...

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Republicans rally as Virginians turn against Obama
McDonnell also argued against the constitutional separation of church and state, and advocated teaching "traditional Judeo-Christian values" in schools. ...

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Forks officials undecided in church-state debate
Allentown Morning Call
... to a local church violated the constitutional separation of church and state ended Thursday in two failed motions and no clear direction moving forward. ...

Crusader Online

Religion and politics: hot topics explored
Crusader Online
"The establishment clause, which is the First Amendment's guarantee of church and state separation, designed by the framers of The Constitution, ...

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Halloween In The Public Schools: It's Not So Scary
Americans United (blog)
Celebrating Halloween in the public schools is not a violation of the separation of church and state. It is not celebrated as a religious holiday in America ...

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Concussions no business of the state
The Gazette (Montreal)
By PAT HICKEY, The gazetteoctober 30, 2009 12:00 AM Separation of church and state is one of the founding principles in American society and now it's time ...

Opposing Views

Religious Right Watch: Happy Halloween, heathens!
Minnesota Independent
Americans United for the Separation of Church and State took the opportunity to have a little fun at Robertson's expense. “I've heard of the devil being in ...
Religious Right Columnist: Halloween Candy a Demonic Threat, "Prayed Over By ...AlterNet
Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network Warns Americans of 'Demonic ...Common Dreams (press release)

all 12 news articles »

House balances Senate
Kansas City Star
When I mentioned the First Amendment to the Constitution, which provides for separation of church and state, she was astounded and had no idea there was ...

AU’s Lynn Says Religious Broadcaster Should Send ‘Trick Or Treat’ Goodies Over To His House
Michigan Representative Says Coast Guard Property Will Be Sold At Fair Market Value, Not Given To Religious School
Giving Seven Acres Of Land To Religious School Would Be Unconstitutional, Asserts Church-State Watchdog Group
Watchdog Group Leader Says Liberty Counsel’s ‘Adopt a Liberal’ Program Beats Prayers For His Death
'Religion in the Public Schools' Is Being Distributed Free Online
Watchdog Group Urges Pastors To Refrain From Using Tax-Exempt Church Resources To Endorse Or Oppose Candidates
Coalition Of Religious And Public Policy Groups Says Legal Memo Threatens Core Civil Rights And Religd Religious Freedom Protections
Program Is Constitutionally Suspect And Provides Incentive To Attend Discriminatory Religious Schools, Watchdog Group Asserts
Court Rules That Washington State School Officials Had Right To Omit ‘Ave Maria’ From Graduation Ceremony
AU’s Barry Lynn â€" Who Has Also Been The Target Of Death Prayers â€" Calls On Religious Right Leaders To Repudiate Violent Rhetoric
Appeals Court Affirms Standing Of Lesbian Fired From Publicly Funded Baptist Children̢۪s Home
Church-State Watchdog Group Mourns Passing Of Massachusetts Senator
Decision Says Connecticut Church Cannot Display Proselytizing Materials In Contract Postal Unit
Church-State Watchdog Group Questions $40 Million In Grants To Religious Groups
Church-State Watchdog Group Urges New York Town To Respect Constitution And Religious Diversity
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Government-Sponsored Religious Symbols Are Bad For Adherents And Nonadherents Alike
Watchdog Group Criticizes Program For Subsidizing Religion And Failing To Boost Student Achievement
Nominee To Be Secretary Of The Army Has Poor Record On Church-State Issues, Says Watchdog Group
School-Sponsored Evangelism Is Wrong, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Supreme Court Nominee̢۪s Religious Liberty Decisions Are Few, Watchdog Group̢۪s Report Says

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)