Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)


How separate should church/state be?
Pawtucket Times
I have always looked at the issue of separation of church and state differently than most other folks. A lot of the people who invoke Thomas Jefferson's ...
A matter of faith?Online Journal
Bishops Threaten Spanish Politicians With ExcommunicationLez Get Real
Less of a CatholicNew York Post
NewsBusters (blog) -Philadelphia Inquirer -OpEdNews
all 192 news articles »

Council prayers: Language is what offends
Plain Dealer
As mentioned in the letter that Americans United for Separation of Church and State sent to Council, such language is considered government support for a ...

and more »

Houston Chronicle

DiNardo defends health bill criticism
Houston Chronicle
Robert Boston, a senior analyst at Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said he hoped the controversy draws attention to religious lobbying. ...

and more »

New York Daily News

On Church and State
The Moderate Voice
Using some of John Kennedy's famous words as a preamble, Matthews engaged the Bishop in a debate on the separation of church and state, on abortion, ...
Kennedy, Catholics and CommunionFOXNews
Tobin has learned nothing about impact of secrecyBoston Globe
Kennedy represents a wider constituency than CatholicsValley Breeze
RenewAmerica -Catholic News Agency -NewsBusters (blog)
all 1,972 news articles »

Not all presidents officially called for Thanksgiving
Baltimore Sun
"In other words," Fader said, "a separation of church and state." This was not an off-the-cuff notion of Jefferson's. In 1802, in response to a letter from ...

Global Arab Network - English News

Fort Hood and separation of mosque and state
Thanks to liberal judges everywhere, virtually everyone has heard of the "separation of church and state." But what about "separation ...

all 83 news articles »
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Government Body Is Acting In Clear Violation
‘Manhattan Declaration’ Signals Conservative Church Groups’ Intention To Undercut Separation Of Church And State, Says AU’s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Brings Legal Action On Behalf Of Faculty And Students Who Object To Mandatory Worship
Church-State Watchdog Group Pleased At Failure Of Religious Right Efforts To Block Nominee
Choice Of Venue Constitutes Government Endorsement Of Religion
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Government Cannot Fund Religious Indoctrination
Public Funds Should Not Subsidize Religious Discrimination By ‘Faith-Based’ Charities, Church-State Watchdog Group Asserts
Americans United Says Decision Reminds Officials Of Their Duty To Uphold Separation Of Church And State
Americans United Praises Holding That Government Cannot Favor Christianity Over Other Faiths
Yielding To Religious Broadcasters̢۪ Demands Would Undercut Anti-Discrimination Protections Of Employment Non-Discrimination Act
Movement̢۪s Allies Win Public Offices In Virginia And New Jersey, Roll Back Marriage Rights For Gays In Maine
Bethel AME Church Hosted Speech By Democratic Candidate; Pastor Hailed Her As ‘The Next Mayor Of The City Of Harrisburg’
Church-State Watchdog Group Offers Comments On Tax Agency’s Proposed Regulations To Enforce ‘No Politicking’ Rule
AU’s Lynn Says Religious Broadcaster Should Send ‘Trick Or Treat’ Goodies Over To His House
Michigan Representative Says Coast Guard Property Will Be Sold At Fair Market Value, Not Given To Religious School
Giving Seven Acres Of Land To Religious School Would Be Unconstitutional, Asserts Church-State Watchdog Group
Watchdog Group Leader Says Liberty Counsel’s ‘Adopt a Liberal’ Program Beats Prayers For His Death
'Religion in the Public Schools' Is Being Distributed Free Online
Watchdog Group Urges Pastors To Refrain From Using Tax-Exempt Church Resources To Endorse Or Oppose Candidates
Coalition Of Religious And Public Policy Groups Says Legal Memo Threatens Core Civil Rights And Religious Freedom Protections

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)