Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

USA Today

Gloria Allred Says Tim Tebow's Super Bowl Ad 'Misleading Advertising'
Tim Tebow, has always worn his religion on his sleeve, or rather his eye patches, and he feels there is nothing wrong with airing the spot during the Super ...
Give Us Our Gay Christian Super Bowl Ads, CBS!TIME (blog)
The Battle Over Super Bowl (blog)
CBS Considering Gay Dating Ad for Super BowlChristian Post (blog) (blog)
all 261 news articles »

The Money Times

Religion on trial
World Magazine
California was the first state with a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender legislative caucus, which has had eight members over the years. ...
Gay Marriage: Prop 8 Trial Rests, and a Key Ruling AwaitsTIME
Prop 8 Trial, Day 11: Religion Critical Factor To Marriage Ban PassageThe San Francisco Appeal
Bill: Clergy could refrain from marrying gaysSan Francisco Chronicle
Minneapolis Star Tribune -Washington Post -Washington Times
all 1,327 news articles »

Government and marriage: Time for a separation
Bangor Daily News
Even if a gay person's religion does not recognize same-sex marriage, that person would still be free to live with a partner with all the same civil rights ...
Half of All Gay Couples Non-MonogamousThe Portland Mercury (blog)
Gay unions aren't monogamous? Really? (blog)

all 7 news articles »

The Frisky

Finally! eHarmony Makes Online Dating “Welcoming” For Gays After Lawsuit
The Frisky
... gay marriages, that is a biblical principle of evangelical Christianity and people that practice that religion have the right to their own website, ...

and more »

Wedding bells for gay bishop Pat Buckley
Belfast Telegraph
6 Marriages for divorced Catholics as well as the gay and lesbian communities and mixed religion couples are carried out at The Oratory. ...

and more »

The Money Times

Kersten's 'bullying tactics' unhelpful to gay marriage debate
Minneapolis Star Tribune
And LGBT people make up an exponentially smaller portion of the population. Just as in the case of religion Prop 8 supporters, there was evidence to support ...
Prop 8 Defenders Call Up First WitnessChristian Post
Day 10 of Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Kenneth Miller Time is Less Filling ...Autostraddle (blog)

all 1,327 news articles »

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