Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

1. He incorrectly implied that Christians have "disdain for another's religion" and are disrespecting all religions other than their own. Choosing to embrace one religion does not automatically mean disdain for other religions.
My question to Michael Parmer is, who needs a marriage license â€" either homosexual or heterosexual â€" to practice immorality? (Letters to the Editor, 1/22/10)
A high-profile legal duo is taking the case against Prop 8 all the way to the Supreme Court. Here's a look at the arguments so far
Since the world community has descended on Haiti with relief aid in response to the January 12th earthquake, I am wondering how Haiti's lesbian, gay,...
Many faith communities in Tucson are making LGBT members a priority by Mari Herreras When Stephen Van Kuiken looks back at his life in Cincinnati, he does so with a mix of sadness and disappointmentâ€"but he never uses the word "regret." For 20 years, Van Kuiken was a Presbyterian minister. In 2003, church officials noticed that he was performing same-sex marriages and ordaining LGBT members in ...
I gave myself a week to cool down after Katherine Kersten's "That's a funny way to show tolerance," a column that portrayed the battle over gay marriage in that California as one fraught with intimidation at the hands of "gay activists." I think invoking "Ku Klux Klan" and "neo-Nazis" as comparisons to the anger felt by members of the LGBT community when their right to marry was voted away by ...
LONG BEACH - A radical anti-gay group that has made headlines for protesting at funerals of American soldiers plans to picket in Long Beach next month.
More than 100 students, faculty and community members walked onto Notre Dame’s campus Wednesday to protest the university’s anti-discrimination policy and to push for a gay-straight alliance group.
The Mormon Church's role in helping to finance the campaign a ban on same-sex marriage in California has come under scrutiny in a documentary being shown at the Sundance Film Festival.

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