Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

By: Adele Hampton Religious leaders discuss opening their communities to LBGT members About 60 students and community members gathered to hear five panelists from different faiths talk about homosexuality in the context of their personal lives, congregation and religion.  Representatives from within Judaism and the Baptist, Episcopal ...
On Friday, Feb. 19, the Theater and Dance department premiered “Angels in America Part One: Millenium Approaches,” by Tony Kushner. The play is one of three that the department will showcase this year and tells the story of two troubled couples, one heterosexual and the other homosexual.
The Roman Catholic Church will this week present the Conservatives with an election boost by urging voters to consider the issues of marriage and the family when deciding which party to support.
Southfield sophomore Robert Donald never related to just one group â€" gay, black or athletic.Donald, Gay Straight Alliance ambassador, wants to educate people about the process of coming out and how to handle the differences people may have with their orientation.
By: Adele Hampton Religious leaders discuss opening their communities to LBGT members About 60 students and community members gathered to hear five panelists from different faiths talk about homosexuality in the context of their personal lives, congregation and religion.  Representatives from within Judaism and the Baptist, Episcopal ...
Daniel Radcliffe is hoping to stamp out homophobia by starring in a new campaign encouraging tolerance for all sexual orientations.
A pair of Alameda parents is suing the school district and school board, claiming the board violated the Brown Act by voting to readopt the anti-gay bullying Lesson 9 and to adopt accompanying literature that they said wasn't included in the staff's original recommendation.
Kampala, Uganda - Since a Ugandan MP proposed the death penalty for some gay people, homophobia has been on the rise in other parts of Africa.
What's Your Reaction? KAMPALA, Uganda -- Even as Uganda's parliament considers the Anti-Homosexuality Bill -- which calls for the death penalty for some gay acts -- a group of about 100 Ugandan gays and lesbians held a secret meeting to determine how to stand up for their rights.

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