Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Washington Post

US Supreme Court deals further blow to separation of church and state
World Socialist Web Site
In the words of [Thomas] Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect 'a wall of separation between Church and State ...
High court rules cross doesn't violate separation of church and stateCNN
Mojave cross case: a signal on religious symbolsThe Associated Press
Supreme Court says Mojave cross can standLos Angeles Times
NewsBusters (blog) -Tapped (blog) -Opposing Views
all 721 news articles »

AU: Religion no place for federal earmarks
Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) is asking US Attorney General Eric Holder to look into congressional earmarks that provide federal ...

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Richmond Times Dispatch

Updated: McDonnell lifts ban on State Police troopers referring to Jesus in ...
Washington Post (blog)
... including the Jerry Falwell/Pat Robertson hate mongers, would find every chance he can to kick down the wall of separation between church and state? ...
ACLU asks McDonnell to back prayer policyAugusta Free Press

all 62 news articles »

What if government backed 'no prayer day?'
The Tennessean
Charles Sumner was right on the mark with his views on separation of church and state (“Government must keep out of prayer,” April 23). ...

Rocky Mount Telegram

Court Ruling Threatens National Day of Prayer
Wausau Daily Herald
If I had a quarter for every person in American who actually believes our Constitution contains the phrase, “separation of church and state,” I would ...
Erbe: The case against a National Day of PrayerScripps News
Judge's ruling won't affect local Day of Prayer eventsCumberland Times-News
Let Us (Not) PrayThe Nation.
Madison.com -Capital Times -Washington Post (blog)
all 72 news articles »

Catholic Church Facilitates Foreign Invasion
Right Side News
... decision this week, the Supreme Court ruled that a Christian cross could remain on public land, despite the so-called separation of church and state. ...

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Reading Town Meeting: 'No' vote on church plowing
Reading Advocate
But opponents of Article 11 invoked the separation of church and state, and also said the town has no business funding snow removal operations for private ...

Safford resident and member of LDS Church embarrassed by actions of College Board
Eastern Arizona Courier
"Some seperation of church and state is desperately needed in the gila valley." The phrase "separation of church and state" doesn't appear in the ...

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)