Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Chicago Tribune

Some bothered by Chicago high schools holding graduation ceremonies at churches
The issue concerns the debate over the separation of church and state. Although the First Amendment of the US Constitution explicitly prohibits any state ...
Graduations in churches make some groups uneasyChicago Tribune
Lonnie Nasatir: Let's think twice about church graduationsChicago Tribune (blog)

all 5 news articles »

What separation of church and state means
Washington Post
The principle of separation of church and state [letters, May 21] does not mean that government should be hostile to religion, but that it should be ...
Debating Church and State in TexasBig Government (blog)
separation of school and stateWorld Magazine

all 24 news articles »

Exeter Union High School District to decide whether prayers will be said at ...
Visalia Times-Delta
The possibility of canceling the prayer emerged when two organizations, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Freedom From Religion ...

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Boston Globe

At Board of Education, church-state fight grows
Dallas Morning News
The language reflects the opposition of social and religious conservatives to the legal doctrine of separation of church and state, which has been upheld ...
Texas board approves curriculum standards likely to affect textbooks nationallyDallas Baptist Standard
TribBlog: The Church Board of EducationTexas Tribune Blogs (blog)
Social studies changes to hit Texas classroomsThe Associated Press
Washington Post -Christian Post -Suite101.com
all 1,902 news articles »

Christian conservatives target seated judges
The Associated Press
... judges who adhere to the religious right's moral agenda and threatens both the impartiality of the court system and the separation of church and state. ...

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Raw Story

California passes bill to counteract 'disturbing' Texas curriculum
Raw Story
... minimizing the importance of Thomas Jefferson and his framework for separation of church and state, emphasizing "the conservative resurgence of the ...
The State Board of IndoctrinationAustin American-Statesman
Despite Protests, Texas Board Passes Conservative Textbook CurriculumBlack Voice News
Opinion: The Texas textbook war in historical contextAssociated Baptist Press
Tampabay.com -Grand Junction Free Press -Amarillo.com
all 20 news articles »

AOL News

Voters should be wary of right turn
The actions of the board fly in the face of the separation of church and state championed by our nation's founders. Conservative board member Cynthia Dunbar ...
Texas Board of Education Gets the Facts RightThe New American
Editorial: New Board of Education could fix standards next yearDallas Morning News
Blatant bias in the Texas school board threatens public educationDaily Athenaeum
New York Times -Barre Montpelier Times Argus
all 169 news articles »
Church-State Watchdog Group Warns Corrections Departments About Constitutional Dangers Of Proposed Sectarian Facility
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Tax-Credit Scheme Violates Constitution
Church̢۪s Use Of Web Site And Twitter To Endorse Candidate Violates Federal Tax Law, Watchdog Group Says
President Obama Should Take Immediate Steps To End Religious Discrimination In Taxpayer-Supported Social Services, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Watchdog Group Calls On Judiciary Committee Members To Ascertain Nominee̢۪s Views On Key Religious Liberty Issues
Public Schools Violate Students̢۪ Rights By Holding Commencements In Sectarian Facility
Todd Becker Foundation And Public School Districts May Both Be Held Responsible For Constitutional Violations, Says Church-State Watchdog
Justices Allow Congress To Circumvent Federal Court Order Requiring Removal Of Religious Symbol From Public Land
Watchdog Group Urges Obama Administration To Block Ten Grants Unless Constitutional Safeguards Can Be Enforced
Justice Department Files Notice Of Appeal To 7th Circuit
Congress Has No Business Telling Americans When Or How To Pray, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Watchdog Group Says Justice̢۪s Replacement Must Respect Church-State Separation And Religious Freedom
Dove World Outreach Center’s ‘No Homo Mayor’ Sign Constitutes Illegal Intervention In Gainesville Election, Says Watchdog Group
Christian Action Network President Lies To News Media About Group̢۪s Controversial Fund-Raising Letters
Public Funds Should Not Be Used To Subsidize Religious Schools, Says AU's Lynn
Americans United Joins Friend-Of-The-Court Brief In Church-State Case At Supreme Court
Watchdog Group Is Seeking Information About Sectarian Prayers Before Meetings Of Government Body
Advisory Council Offers Recommendations Today, But Discriminatory Bush-Era Hiring Rules Remain In Place
Watchdog Group Says Continued Federal Funding For D.C. Religious Schools Undermines Constitution, Hurts Public Education
Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. And Other University Officials Used School Resources To Endorse House Of Delegates Candidate, Watchdog Group Asserts

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)