From both sides (T12R-5)

AOL News

US Supreme Court Sides With Hastings College Against Anti-LGBT Christian Group
Lez Get Real
In a 5 to 4 decision, the Supreme Court has upheld a lower court's ruling that Hastings College of Law did not violate a Christian group's First Amendment ...
Supreme Court Gets One Right on Gay RightsCampus Progress
The US Supreme Court's 5-4 Gay Rights (blog)
Another Supreme Court victory, amidst ideological hostilitiesKeen News Service (subscription) -Religion Dispatches -Common Dreams (press release)
all 541 news articles »

The Anglican power play
The Guardian
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, though personally sympathetic to the plight of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) Anglicans, joined the push ...

and more »

AOL News

Supreme Court rules against school group that excludes gays
Their charter disallowed for any members whose beliefs they deemed to be participate or advocate for a sexually immoral lifestyle, homosexuality being a ...
Score One For The Homosexual AgendaReligion Dispatches
Who Gets to Guard the Gates of Eden?Inside Higher Ed
Court backs UC law school's refusal to recognize Christian student groupSan Jose Mercury News
Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription) -Tapped (blog) (subscription)
all 541 news articles »

Re: Exploring lesbianism and homosexuality, a gay's perspective
As to who determines what is right or wrong, it has never been the preserve of the individual but the consideration of factors such as religion, ...

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