Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Press TV

Catholic Church evades abuse scandals
Press TV
... Policy in Focus Ian Williams believes that Vatican tries to escape its child abuse scandals by misusing the principle of Separation of Church and State. ...

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CBS News

Nevada's Angle retracts comment to 'take out' Reid
The Associated Press
When asked if separation of church and state arises out of the Constitution, Angle answered no. She said Thomas Jefferson is often misquoted and that he ...
Angle retreats a bit, but mostly stands groundLas Vegas Sun
Angle returns to spotlight with interviewPolitico

all 280 news articles »

Globe and Mail

Extra! Extra! Elena Kagan liked Thurgood Marshall
Washington Post (blog)
I really would like to know what Elena Kagan thinks about the separation of church and state, executive power, free speech, and all of those other issues ...
Americans United Urges Senate Panel To Question Kagan On Church-State ViewsCommon Dreams (press release)
Secular Coalition for America opposes Elena Kagan for Supreme CourtExaminer.com
Supreme Court Helps Out KaganHuffington Post (blog)
The Associated Press -Seattle Times -Americans United (blog)
all 8,801 news articles »

AOL News

High Court Ruling on Hastings Law School Upholds Separation of Church and State
AlterNet (blog)
Baylor's argument was flatly rejected by the Reverend Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. ...
Court ruling threatens Christian college groupsBP News
Americans United Applauds Supreme Court Ruling Against Discriminatory ...Common Dreams (press release)
AJC Welcomes US Supreme Court Ruling in Christian Legal Society v. MartinezAmerican Jewish Committee (press release)
Queerty (blog) -SanFranciscoSentinel.com
all 541 news articles »


Belgium urges Vatican to stay out of child sex abuse investigations
... Steven Vanackere, reminded Rome of the principle of separation of church and state yesterday, pointing out that the church should not try to impede the ...
Belgian government defends raid of bishops' meetingCatholic Culture
Pope criticises police over church raidNEWS.com.au

all 1,252 news articles »

Christian Prayer at Delaware School Board Meetings is Wrong
Opposing Views
A Delaware school board's practice of opening its meetings with Christian prayers violates the constitutional separation of church and state, ...

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Atheist Billboard In Charlotte, NC Vandalized
Stop the ACLU (blog)
Furthermore, there is no such thing as “separation of Church and State,” just a fanciful notion based on a misreading of a letter, which was stating that ...

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Indian River School District̢۪s Christian Invocations Violate Constitution, Civil Liberties And Religious Organizations Say
Church-State Watchdog Group Says High Court Was Right To Rule Against Christian Legal Society Affiliate

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)