Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

I'm trying to come up with an explanation for Julia Gillard's opposition to gay marriage (''Gillard against gay marriage'',, June 30). She is an atheist, which means there is no fear of the wrath of God. She is pro-choice, which means she is probably not trying to appease the Christian lobby. She is not married, so it would appear she has no sentimental or personal attachment to the ...
Philip Ewing’s articles in the June 28 edition accurately summarized many of the major findings of the Fleet Review Panel report [“The end of lean manning?”]. However, I would like to provide some context as to why Adm. Robert Willard and I commissioned the panel, and to describe some of the steps that the Navy has already taken to improve surface force readiness.
Public universities can refuse to recognize student groups that discriminate in their membership, the United States Supreme Court ruled Monday in a case between a University of California law school and a Christian student group that bars those who engage in "unrepentant homosexual conduct" or fail to sign a pledge of faith.
London, UK - JUNE 30, 2010 London, UK - JUNE 30, 2010 Increasing numbers of Christian groups are self-identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT), according to trends noted by the religion and society thinktank Ekklesia ahead of the Pride festival in London on Saturday (3 July).
Local number of cases lower than in comparable cities The last decade has seen the repeal of Article 12 and adoption of the Human Rights Ordinance, both huge victories for Cincinnati's LGBTQ community. But since Article 12's repeal in 2004, Cincinnati Police have processed just seven hate crime charges based on sexual orientation, compared to 19 in Columbus in 2007 alone. Local gay rights ...
Local number of cases lower than in comparable cities The last decade has seen the repeal of Article 12 and the Human Rights Ordinance, both huge victories for the LGBTQ community. But Article 12's repeal in 2004, Cincinnati Police have only processed seven hate crime charge based on sexual orientation.
In a recent decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the view that gays and lesbians are an identifiable class in the eyes of the law - a characterization that anti-gay-marriage forces have vigorously fought and that attorneys challenging California's Proposition 8 see as a crucial element of their case.
Public universities can refuse to recognize student groups that discriminate in their membership, the United States Supreme Court ruled Monday in a case between a University of California law school and a Christian student group that bars those who engage in "unrepentant homosexual conduct" or fail to sign a pledge of faith.
Letters to the Boston editor, July 2, 2010 I was extremely disappointed to read your close-minded, ignorant, and bigoted position on Governor Deval Patrick’s meeting with Muslims at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury. Regarding your June 11 editorial , about Deval Patrick’s recent visit to the Boston mosque, the governor should not be criticized for making the trip. He has ...

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