From both sides (T12R-5)

TEXAS FAITH: Should a religious school reject the child of gay parents?
Dallas Morning News (blog)
The administrator explained that the private Christian school would be teaching values and morals contrary to what the child would be learning at home, ... (blog)

NOM Calls New Zealand Exodus Decision An Earthquake, Says 'Christian is like ...
Lez Get Real
They compared themselves to Rainbow Youth Inc., a group aimed at raising the self-esteem of LGBT youth and their families. They decried Rainbow Youth's ...
Gay 'Cure' Group Denied Charitable Status in New (blog)

all 4 news articles »
MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, August 31, 2010 ( - Alverno College, a Catholic college in Milwaukee founded by the School Sisters of St. Francis, has continued to host links to several pro-aborton and pro-homosexuality groups on its website, despite over 15,000 students and parents...

SodaHead News

AFA to Beck on same-sex marriage: Ć¢€œwake up and smell the arsenicĆ¢€
Media Matters for America (blog)
... homosexual behavior on biblical or moral grounds without running the risk of legal punishment. Goodbye freedom of speech and goodbye freedom of religion ...
Glenn Beck's Gay Marriage Views Aid 'People Who Want To Use The Anus For Sex'On Top Magazine
Huffington Poster Offers $100000 for Nonexistent Glenn Beck Sex TapeNewsBusters (blog)

all 34 news articles » (blog)

Gay 'Cure' Group Denied Charitable Status in New Zealand (blog)
In its application, Exodus had offered that as a group it aimed to "teach and present the view that a homosexual can change from homosexuality to ...

and more »

The Guardian (blog)

Tea Party seeks candidates who say no to global warming and gay marriage
The Guardian (blog)
Children should not be placed into foster homes where the parents are homosexual, bisexual, or transgender. 5. Parental consent should be required for sex ...

and more »

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