Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Washington Post

Now, It's the Wrong Jesus.
Salon (blog)
This book uses everyday language to explain why the Religious Right is wrong about separation of church and state." According to Boston, รข€œWe have a vibrant, ...
Religion questionWorcester Telegram
All God's children got intoleranceForeign Policy (blog)
Carville on Obama Muslim Myth: Don't Pander to 'Stupid People'ABC News (blog)
Washington Times
all 1,215 news articles »

Washington Post (blog)

Christians Welcome
TIME (blog)
One can appreciate the wisdom of the founders and those liberals who originally developed the principle of the separation of church and state, more and more ...
Glenn Beck and the restoration of American civil religionWashington Post (blog)
Glenn Beck's History Lesson: Amnesia and ConformityHistory News Network

all 6 news articles »


New York City Mosque: Part III, Religion
Bikya Masr
Most Americans are still comfortable with the Jeffersonian interpretation of the First Amendment as รข€œbuilding a wall of separation between Church and State. ...
Benjamin J. Hubbard: Moving beyond the mosque momentOCRegister

all 675 news articles »


Beck Rallies Undercut Church-State Separation, Says Watchdog Group
Common Dreams (press release)
Yet Barton peddles books, videos and other materials that spread his misguided belief that church-state separation was never intended by the founders. ...
Glenn Beck, Heretic?TIME (blog)
Alamance County residents travel to Beck rallyBurlington Times News
Bravura performanceThe Times of Trenton - NJ.com
Scoop.co.nz (press release) -Beliefnet.com (blog) -All247News (blog)
all 5,285 news articles »

State Dept. Aiding Ground Zero Imam's Book Sales
Human Events (blog)
... Feisal's book or similar publications as religious books, so there no issue of violating the Constitution's edict on separation of church and state. ...

and more »

Hawaii GOP: Aiona is lone "righteous" candidate
Rob Boston, senior policy analyst with Americans United for Separation of Church and State, a Washington DC group, said Kaauwai's e-mail "looks like a ...

and more »

Government cannot leave marriage alone
Visalia Times-Delta
This business of "separation of church and state" has morphed into a construct of state enforced atheism. Here is what it says, "Congress shall make no law ...

New Zealand Herald

Holy War Over Ground Zero
First Things
... and sticking to his position, that the mosque รข€œis as important a testรข€ of รข€œthe separation of church and state as we may see in our lifetime. ...
J. Brian Atwood: America is at its best when it is tolerantMinneapolis Star Tribune
Obama's Fictitious "Moderate Muslim Majority"Family Security Matters
LETTER: Mosque near Ground Zero insensitive to victims, 08-29-10Fall River Herald News
RedState (blog) -Vancouver Sun (blog) -The New York Review of Books (blog)
all 839 news articles »
Fox Pundit And His Religious Right Allies Are Pushing A Divisive Message Of Extremism, Intolerance, Says AUรข€™s Lynn
If Cuccinelli Wants To See A Nativity Scene, Let Him Put One In His Own Yard, Says AUรข€™s Lynn
If รข€˜Faith-Basedรข€™ Charities Want To Discriminate In Hiring On Religious Grounds, They Shouldnรข€™t Get Public Funds, Says AUรข€™s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Government Canรข€™t Subsidize Religion Or Give It Preferential Treatment
Public School Curriculum Standards Should Not Be Politicized, Says AUรข€™s Lynn
Minority Civil Rights Should Never Be Taken Away By Referendum, Watchdog Group Says
School Officials Were Correct To Remove Math Teacherรข€™s Religious Banners, Watchdog Group Says
รข€˜Reclaiming Oklahoma For Christรข€™ Illegally Urged Support For Incumbent Legislator Sally Kern, Watchdog Group Charges
Watchdog Group Asks Court To Protect Religious Liberty Rights Of All Students And Faculty In Orange County Community College District
Watchdog Group Had Filed Court Brief In Texas Case To Support Religious Freedom
Indian River School Districtรข€™s Christian Invocations Violate Constitution, Civil Liberties And Religious Organizations Say
Church-State Watchdog Group Says High Court Was Right To Rule Against Christian Legal Society Affiliate
Watchdog Group Expresses Concern About Kaganรข€™s Record On Religious Liberty And Civil Rights, As Well As Funding Of Religion
Watchdog Group Says Baptist Pastorรข€™s Pulpit Endorsement Violates Federal Tax Law
Ceremonies Must Be Held In Nonreligious Venue Following Challenge By Americans United and ACLU
Church-State Watchdog Group Warns Corrections Departments About Constitutional Dangers Of Proposed Sectarian Facility
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Tax-Credit Scheme Violates Constitution
Churchรข€™s Use Of Web Site And Twitter To Endorse Candidate Violates Federal Tax Law, Watchdog Group Says
President Obama Should Take Immediate Steps To End Religious Discrimination In Taxpayer-Supported Social Services, Says AUรข€™s Lynn
Watchdog Group Calls On Judiciary Committee Members To Ascertain Nomineeรข€™s Views On Key Religious Liberty Issues

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)