Wednesday, September 15, 2010

From both sides (T12R-5)

by Paul A Drockton "Gayle Smith, a resident of Lehi, Utah has had a very difficult life. In a startling revelation she told this reporter that current Mormon Prophet, Thomas S Monson, attempted to rape her. The alleged event took place when Monson was a married man and the Bishop of Utah...

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1 comment:

truthrestored said...

Besides Ted Gunders documented files, everyone should read "Paper Dolls" a true story of systematic, trauma-based "sex rings" in two prominent SLC neighborhoods; one led by "an apostle's daughter and son-in-law" who was involved in banking. I know a girlfriend of one of the girls that was abused in this true account.
Then, everyone should be aware of Presiding Bishop, Glen L. Pace's leaked Interoffice Memo to the Strengthening the Member's Committee (ex'd all of the intellectuals)... He discloses that Satanic Ritual Abuse/Sex Abuse (much like in the Catholic church) by very high level LDS church leaders goes on as corroborated and reported by 60 independent witnessess and could easily have been hundreds or thousands if more time was available.
This corresponds to Cathy OBrien's witnessed account contained in "TranceFormation of America" where the Catholic "Pope" and LDS "Prophet" fully support the systematic, sex abuse for CIA MKUltra mind control purposes (as exposed by Senator Frank Church in Congressional Hearings in 1977)to "bring about the Millennial Peace" to make all members blindly obedient and "perfect." (All is Well In Zion flattery)
Howard W. Hunter disclosed before his untimely death about the serious BLOOD OATH all leaders take similar to the Masonic blood oath required in all LDS temples for loyalty to the brethren and image of the church OVER truth and over GOD!
BTW, Gail told me about this regarding Monson over seven years ago and her story has NOT changed! She is telling the truth. I love the original (unaltered) Book of Mormon and recognize its warnings about having a "money changer" and "King" leadership position with the Judges and Lawyers all bought-off/"secret combinations". The Cleansing of the Lord's House IS upon us! "No more secrets" so the "brethren are in an uproar" as told to me by another inside "elect"...
During the first seven years of the church there was NO polygamy, NO Masonry (Satanic blood oath: Moses 5:29), women and Blacks held the priesthood equal to men, and the Book of Mormon was pure and precious; unaltered with the true identity of Jesus Christ as God the Eternal Father clearly given (Alma 11:23-40, Mosiah 15:1-5, Ether 3:14), etc.
Joseph Smith was warned “against following his own will and CARNAL DESIRES” or HE would FALL! Looks like Monson better apply this to his own actions and REPENT!

If you wish, you may contact me by voicemail at 909-7GayGay (909.742.9429).