Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Alexeyev allowed to hold protest, not gay pride parade - Moscow authorities
Moscow, September 30, Interfax - The prefecture of Moscow's Central Administrative District has said that it gave no permission for a gay pride parade to be ...

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Babble (blog)

Parents: 13-year-old son driven to suicide by ruthless bullying at school
His mother, Amy Truong, said her son recently realized that he was gay. She said that, along with his religion, made him a target for bullies at Hamilton ...
Parents say bullies pushed teen to commit suicideHumble Observer
Asher Brown: 13 Year Old Bullied To Death (Video)Right Juris
Texas pre-teen takes life after anti-gay bullyingBay Windows -EDGE Boston -Opposing Views
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The Guardian

Indonesia Gay Film Festival Attacked By Islamic Protesters
Huffington Post
People mock and defame religion here and nothing happens to them. Now that is true...but as an example, the one (Gay Film Festival) you have at the Tampa ...
Piece of Mind: Looking Behind FPI's RageJakarta Globe

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MyFox Phoenix

Mormon Leader Sorry for Prop 8 Pain
“During the one-hour meeting, thirteen gay and straight Mormons came to the microphone,” reported Religion Dispatches. “Many expressed their love for the ...
Mormon Leader: 'I'm Sorry' For Hurtful Legacy of Prop. 8Religion Dispatches
From Here to Eternity: Of Mormons and Celestial MarriageReligion Dispatches
Christians should read Bible before preaching itThe Gamecock
Just Out (blog)
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Overturning Catholic Moral Teaching on Homosexuality: Are Salzman And Lawler ...
Huffington Post
(RNS) I was always told that you're not supposed to discuss religion or politics in polite company. That was before gay marriage became ...

Boston Globe

OUR VIEW: LGBT proclamation correct
Oklahoma Daily
In Norman, 44 percent of residents identify as Southern Baptist, a religion that explicitly condemns the LGBT lifestyle. These statistics don't stop members ...
LGBT: the global momentumResearch Magazine

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CBS News

Bullying To Death Needs To Stop
Lez Get Real
It does not matter if the bullying is against gay boys like Walsh and Brown, or the young man bullied over his religion who committed suicide on the steps ...
Gay Bashers and Bullies Are the Real LosersThe Stir

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Father Figure
Metro Weekly
As vice president of The Center, the DC area's LGBT community center, and as a board member of the new Catholics for Equality, Palacios's gay identity is as ...

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Babble (blog)

13-Year-Old Texas Boy Shoots Himself; Suffered 'Relentless' Anti-Gay Bullying
EDGE Boston
Asher Brown was a straight-A student, the article said, but he came in for harassment at school because of his religion and because he didn't dress the way ...
Anti-Gay Bullying: Texas Boy Kills Self, CA Teen's Suicide AttemptOpposing Views
Texas Thirteen Year Old Bullied To DeathLez Get Real

all 43 news articles »

Windy City Times
The theme will be how students can deal with people who use religion as an anti-gay weapon. Contact Toni Jr. at ( 773 ) 769-9009 or .

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