From both sides (T24R-5)

Death and Taxes

Focus on the Family Counters Tolerance with 'Dialogue'
Death and Taxes
... of Silence recognizing the discrimination of the LGBT community will be countered by the anti-gay Christian group Focus on The Family's Day of Dialogue. ...
Focus On The Family Saves Students' Anti-Homosexuality DayTPMMuckraker

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Newly Named Anti-Gay Hate Groups Plead Victimhood But Do Not Address Charges
Huffington Post (blog)
Coral Ridge Ministries's Robert Knight, Concerned Women for America's Wendy Wright, and Christian Anti-Defamation Coalition head Gary L. Cass all responded ...

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Close Ohio gay-rights vote mirrors national debate
Bay Windows
"Evangelical Christian -- you can tell them it's inevitable and some of them might agree," he said. "But that doesn't mean they will stop fighting. ...

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