Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Military weighed religious concerns on DADT report
CNN (blog)
"Some feared repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell might limit their individual freedom of expression and free exercise of religion, or require them to change ...
Pentagon's DADT report dissolves homophobic conservative mythsMedia Matters for America (blog)
Breaking: Pentagon DADT ReportMetro Weekly
Pryor Says Homosexuality Is A 'Sin,' Echoes Hate Group In Explaining ...Think Progress
Lez Get Real -Washington Post (blog) -Common Dreams (press release)
<all 1,071 news articles » (blog)

Poll Suggests Public Favors Open Service For Gay Military Personnel (blog)
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life this week released its most recent poll data concerning public opinion on gay personnel serving openly in the military ...
Poll: Majority support gays serving openly in militaryCNN (blog)
Poll: Most favor gays serving
Most Support DADT Repeal, But Tea Party OpposedHuffington Post
TIME (blog) (blog)
all 68 news articles »

Washington Post (blog)

The demise of don't ask don't tell
Washington Post (blog)
After nearly a year of review, the Pentagon is set to release its report on ending the ban on gay men and lesbians serving openly in ...

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Pink Paper

Portsmouth lesbian couple fight gay marriage ban
BBC News
The campaign, co-ordinated by gay rights activist Peter Tatchell, said it was not about religion. A spokesperson said: "Civil partnerships are recognised by ...
NJ State Senator STatement on Gay MarriageLez Get Real

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Second attacker pleads guilty in anti-gay College Point beating
A second man has pleaded guilty to a hate crime in the case of the vicious beating and robbery of an openly gay man on the streets of ...

Fighting The "Gay Agenda," Not So Much Of A Political Winner Anymore
TIME (blog)
Religion is a personal matter between an individual and his God. Religion is a choice that may govern an individual's personal behavior, not the behavior of ...

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San Diego Gay & Lesbian News

Social Media Going Beyond the Gay
For LGBT people who feel frustrated that equality is not coming fas fast enough, social media campaigns allow us to easily voice our inner Norma Rae. ...
COMMENTARY: When it comes to boycotts, social media campaigns need to go ...San Diego Gay & Lesbian News

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Film festival puts spotlight on alternate sexuality
Times of India
With one short film after another on the screen depicting facets of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ) community, the audience is hooked. ...

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Close Ohio gay-rights vote mirrors national debate
Bay Windows
Several, while insisting they didn't endorse discrimination, said landlords and business owners should be free to turn down LGBT people seeking jobs or ...
Obama's "evolving" on marriage: Open mind or fence-straddling?San Francisco Chronicle (blog)

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Religious Leaders Gather in Springfield in Support of Civil Unions Bill
Gay Chicago Magazine
“Some use the name of religion to oppose the civil unions bill not out of a desire to uphold traditional teaching, but to uphold and promote anti-gay ...

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