Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Bizjournals.com (blog)

Appeals Court Rejects 'Views at Clarendon' Suit
Sun Gazette
... saying their joint venture to build apartments behind the church's historic steeple does not violate the constitutional separation of church and state. ...
Suit against Arlington Board, Clarendon church project dismissedWashington Examiner
Views at Clarendon case dismissedWashington Post
Views at Clarendon Lawsuit Dismissed, AgainARL now

all 9 news articles »

Fox News

Critics Blast Potential Taxpayer Funding of Noah's Ark Theme Park
Fox News
... subsidy and these folks ought to do the same," Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, told FoxNews.com. ...
Anti-Christian Group Attacks Ark EncounterDakota Voice
Ark Encounter Theme Park PlannedMyFox Los Angeles
Travel in brief: Ski news and Kentucky's Noah's ArkChicago Sun-Times

all 71 news articles »

Parravano Witten PC adds an attorney
The Salinas Californian
Most recently, Stevens worked for Americans United For Separation For Church and State in Washington, DC She served as a law clerk for Chief Judge Royce ...

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Opposing Views

Church-state scholar objects to 'Christian Right' designation
Associated Baptist Press
... of a Baptist scholar known for advocatingvocating the separation of church and state in a recent Newsweek magazine article titled "Faces of the Christian Right. ...
OUT ON A LIMB: Leave It Alone!Housatonic Times
Why the Church of England is a force for goodBBC News
Is Obama ashamed of America's ties with God?World Tribune
Dallas Morning News (blog) -Baptists Today (subscription) (blog)
all 50 news articles »

Washington Post (blog)

Noah's ark lands in midst of state and church separation debate
Washington Post (blog)
... have questioned the governor's tax incentives, wondering if the move violates the First Amendment's requirement of separation of church and state. ...
Kentucky governor's pledge of tax incentives for Creationist theme park doesn ...Ballot News
They paved Kentucky and put up a Noah's arkLos Angeles Times
Plans to build Ark theme park in Kentucky flooded with criticismExaminer.com
USA Today -ABC News
all 162 news articles »

No separation of church and state
York Daily Record
Separate Church and State? No chance. Except when we give to God what is God's, and to Caesar that which is not God's, then there is the real deal. ...

and more »

Correspondent: Founders feared government, not religion
Richmond Times Dispatch
By Times Dispatch Staff John Winn's letter, "Calls to prayer not priority of Founders," correctly quotes the Founders about separation of church and state, ...

Melbourne Community Voice

Catholics campaign against marriage equality
Melbourne Community Voice
Furness said the Church's campaign was a breach of the separation of church and state, was divisive and could lead to greater prejudice against LGBTI people ...

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Religious Groups That Accept Tax Funding Should Not Be Able To Fire Staff For Being The ‘Wrong’ Religion, Says AU’s Lynn

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)