Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Our 111th Congress, in its lame duck session, has given America a Christmas present in the way of repeal of the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" law. Signing the repeal into law, President Barack Obama said he's "never been prouder."
Our 111th Congress, in its lame duck session, has given America a Christmas present in the way of repeal of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” law.
The proposed plans for Park51, or "Ground Zero mosque." Controversy over building plans for an Islamic community center and mosque near New York's ground zero ignited a national debate about religious freedom that kept the story in the news for months.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- In a gesture of gratitude towards LGBT Veterans and Armed Forces Personnel is offering a free year's membership to active or retired military personnel and a free lifetime membership to any veteran who was discharged under DADT. (Logo: ) (Photo: [[[SHIFTOUT ...
The adoption of housing and employment discrimination in Grand County prompts advocates to hope for a statewide measure in 2011.
Hello, all, First off, I do realize that this could be in the forums.  But, seeing as how many of the forums are plagued with the kind of people that I want to avoid with this post, I wanted to post it as a blog.  So, here we go.... Within a recent news post from Meagan, the topic of homosexuality was raised.  Here is a link if you want to catch up on this article: http://www ...
Tenth Utah community bans anti-gay discrimination By Rosemary Winters The Salt Lake Tribune Updated Dec 22, 2010 05:35PM MDT Grand County has joined the ranks of Utah cities and counties that protect gay and transgender residents from housing and employment discrimination. That means one in four Utahns, living in 10 communities from Moab to Logan, are protected from discrimination based on their ...
With good reason, the nation has been focused for several months on horrific stories of anti-gay bullying in American schools. The torment of kids by other kids, sometimes leading to the tragedy of suicide, prompted Congress to hold a briefing...
KAMPALA, Uganda, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- Gay people across Africa are facing an unprecedented wave of persecution powered by fundamentalist religion, human-rights activists say.

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