Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Rodricks is wrong on separation of church and state
Baltimore Sun
Although I am a very strong supporter of same-sex marriage, I want to object to Dan Rodricks' characterization of the separation of church and state in ...

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Your mail: Separating church, state
Alexandria Town Talk
Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut in 1802 led to the Establishment Clause "Separation of church and state. ...
Jefferson's letter gives real story of religion's place in AmericaSt. George Daily Spectrum

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Ala. Governor Comments Stir Debate On Church, State
... from detractors and defenders alike, few considered the difficulty in drawing a bright line when it comes to the separation of church and state. ...

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Miller's stance on gay marriage isn't protected free speech
Baltimore Sun (blog)
... President Thomas V. Mike Miller's argument for traditional marriage as simple free speech ("Rodricks is wrong on separation of church and state," Jan. ...

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Church and State Issues Flood Noah's Ark Theme Park
Christian Post
Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State and Ken Ham, president and founder of Answers in Genesis, engaged in an informal debate on ...
National anti-faith group enters Ark Encounter disputeExaminer.com

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Conservative ideological bills concern group
Tulsa World
... mixing religious doctrine with secular government, say members of the Oklahoma City chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. ...

USAFA Faculty Members Join Religion Based Lawsuit
... Academy have teamed up with a religious watchdog group, filing suit against the Academy for allegedly violating the separation of church and state. ...
Faculty Members Sue AFA Over Prayer Event SpeakerKMGH Denver

Group sues to block prayer event at AF AcademyNECN
Lawsuit filed against AF Academy over eventAirForceTimes.com

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First United Methodist Church plans events
The Morning Sun
At 10:05 am, a special event is planned when the Social Issues Sunday School class will host a discussion on the separation of church and state. ...

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Voucher Program Would Undermine Civil Rights And Civil Liberties And Add To The Budget Deficit, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Johnson County Commission Allowed Posting Of Ten Commandments, But Turned Down Local Man̢۪s Church State Display, Watchdog Group Charges
Senate Finance Committee Staffers Are Wrong To Recommend Scrapping Federal ‘No-Electioneering’ Rule For Non-Profits, Says Watchdog Group
Church-State Watchdog Group Urges President To Ignore Missive Whining About National Motto
Removal Of Video At National Portrait Gallery Is Religiously Based Censorship, Church-State Watchdog Group Says
Bush-Era Rules That Allow Publicly Funded Religious Charities To Discriminate In Hiring Should Be Overturned, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Order Does Some Good Things, But Ignores Religion-Based Job Bias In Federally Funded Programs
Religious Right Forces Are Certain To Demand Action In Congress On Divisive Culture-War Concerns, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Expresses Disappointment With Obama Stance In Arizona Tuition Tax-Credit Case
Sun City Christian Center Violated Federal Law, Says Watchdog Organization
Like Historic Opposition To Interracial Marriage, California Measure Is Based On Intolerance, Psuedo-Science And Religious Dogma, Says AU Brief
Watchdog Group Says Berean Bible Baptist Church Violated Federal Law
Congress Has No Authority To Tell Americans When And How They Should Pray, Watchdog Group Says
Watchdog Group Calls On Tax Agency To Take Action Against Brooklyn Church That Endorsed Cuomo
Boise Rescue Mission Did Not Have Constitutional Right To Eject Woman From Religious Program And Send Her Back To Jail, Watchdog Group Says
Church̢۪s Plan To Oust Judges Violates Federal Ban On Electioneering, Says AU's Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Calls On Tax Agency To Investigate Fairview Baptist Church For Illegal Electioneering
Measure Undercuts Democratic Values And Stirs Up Fear And Intolerance, Watchdog Group Charges
Church-State Watchdog Group Demands Military Officials Drop ‘Rock The Fort’ Event Featuring Franklin Graham Ministry
Watchdog Group’s Letter Campaign Counters Alliance Defense Fund’s Misguided ‘Pulpit Freedom Sunday’

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)