Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Homosexuals and their faith-based advocates in Colorado Springs are upset at two news-worthy revelations in the past week, and they say both aim to undermine their legitimacy in society, culture, and religion. Early last week, Outreach, Inc., a San Diego-based marketing and publishing company that distributes faith-based materials, announced it will relocate its headquarters to Colorado Springs ...
The new imam at the Ground Zero mosque and cultural center believes people who are gay were probably abused as children and that people who leave Islam and preach a new religion should be jailed. Abdallah Adhami's remarks on homosexuals, religious freedom and other topics have brought renewed criticism...
Public sector bodies will have to spend £30million a year on new equality audits that include asking staff sensitive questions about their religion and sexuality.
When Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's PTL ministry and Heritage USA theme park crashed and burned in the 1980s, their son Jay was sent into a dizzying downward spiral of drugs, alcohol and running from God.
Key African-American organizations and institutions of the Movement have lost the moral high ground that was once so easily associated with them.
Popular preacher Joel Osteen's recent affirmation that homosexuality is a sin has garnered reaction from both gay rights advocates and evangelicals alike.
The increasingly targeted attacks on gay people in a number of African countries, which are thought to have to led the murder this week of outspoken Ugandan gay activist, David Kato, will contribute to an increase in HIV infections, says Christian Aid.
The Catholic League dropped a line the other day to complain -- again -- about something I wrote in connection with the Smithsonian Institution's hasty and ill-informed decision to censor an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. As with the...
MISSOULA - Dozens of people gathered in Caras Park Monday evening to take a stand against anti-gay bullying. There's been a nationwide surge of gay teenagers committing suicide after being harassed by their peers over the last six months.

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