From both sides (T24R-5)

Christian Broadcasters Urged to Fight 'Gay is the New Black' Agenda
Christian Post
NASHVILLE, Tenn. â€" Pastor and cultural apologist Voddie Baucham challenged Christian broadcasters at their annual convention on Saturday to not buy into the "gay is the new black" propaganda, but instead to ...

Colleges begin conversation on gay students
The Keene Sentinel
While LGBT â€" an umbrella term for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender â€" is a commonplace designation at schools across the United States, many Christian colleges have struggled with just how much to condone homosexuality, which is seen by some of ...

Los Angeles Times

Gay alumni question policy of Christian college in Montecito
Los Angeles Times
Although LGBT â€" an umbrella term for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender â€" is a commonplace designation at schools across the United States, many Christian colleges have struggled with just how much to condone homosexuality, which is seen by some ...

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