Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Church accused of crossing the political line
It points out that members are asked to pray for the two candidates from the pulpit - something that some would say violates the "separation of Church and State," and should cause the church to lose it's tax-exempt status. Yes, there is supposed to be ...
Activities of council candidates' church draw criticismNewsOK.com

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Catholic lic Church gives a voice to immigrants
Press & Sun-Bulletin
Tomosky also implies that the homily might be illegal, presumably violating the separation of church and state. However, as a church, we have a right to speak out against injustices that exist in our society, even when they are put in place by the ...

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Mike Huckabee and Haley Barbour: A Tale of Two Souths
Politics Daily
He doesn't shy away from his religion or the belief that the separation of church and state is impossible. He understands grassroots mobilizing, thanks to his church background and will be able to energize the religious-right base. ...

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Debate set at OCCC over establishment of Christian nation
Bruce Prescott, executive director of Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists and president of the Norman chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, will debate the Rev. Steve Kern, pastor of Olivet Baptist Church and husband of state Rep. ...

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Support Groups Erie Times-News
DivorceCare offers support for people suffering from the pain of separation or divorce, on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, at Grace Church, 7300 Grubb Road, McKean. For more information, call 790-4973 or visit www.whoisgrace.com. ...

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You should lose your tax exempt status for violating the separation of church and state. You don't want the government telling you how to run your church, don't tell us how to protect our country. Well Let's see, during the War Between the States, ...

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Marriage In Maryland: Senators Resist Lobbying Campaign By Church Hierarchy
Americans United (blog)
Thus, the separation of church and state was respected in Annapolis this week. I'm happy to see that most Maryland lawmakers recognize this important principle. The bill now moves to the Maryland House of Delegates. We'lmp;#39;ll see what happens there.

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Gingrich to announce 2012 intentions within two weeks
Washington Post
Gingrich was the featured speaker at the annual Nackey S. Loeb First Amendment Award Dinner in Manchester, New Hampshire, Monday night, where he not only argued that campaign finance reform and the separation of church and state should be rethought, ...

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Church-State Watchdog Group Tells Senate Committee That Federal Funds Should Not Go To Religious Schools
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Michigan School May Enforce Non-Discrimination Policy
Courts Should Provide Equal Justice For All, Not Promote Religious Law, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Voucher Program Would Undermine Civil Rights And Civil Liberties And Add To The Budget Deficit, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Johnson County Commission Allowed Posting Of Ten Commandments, But Turned Down Local Man̢۪s Church State Display, Watchdog Group Charges
Church-State Watchdog Group Urges President To Ignore Missive Whining About National Motto
Bush-Era Rules That Allow Publicly Funded Religious Charities To Discriminate In Hiring Should Be Overturned, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Order Does Some Good Things, But Ignores Religion-Based Job Bias In Federally Funded Programs
Religious Right Forces Are Certain To Demand Action In Congress On Divisive Culture-War Concerns, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Expresses Disappointment With Obama Stance In Arizona Tuition Tax-Credit Case
Sun City Christian Center Violated Federal Law, Says Watchdog Organization
Like Historic Opposition To Interracial Marriage, California Measure Is Based On Intolerance, Psuedo-Science And Religious Dogma, Says AU Brief
Watchdog Group Says Berean Bible Baptist Church Violated Federal Law
Congress Has No Authority To Tell Americans When And How They Should Pray, Watchdog Group Says
Watchdog Group Calls On Tax Agency To Take Action Against Brooklyn Church That Endorsed Cuomo
Boise Rescue Mission Did Not Have Constitutional Right To Eject Woman From Religious Program And Send Her Back To Jail, Watchdog Group Says
Church̢۪s Plan To Oust Judges Violates Federal Ban On Electioneering, Says AU's Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Calls On Tax Agency To Investigate Fairview Baptist Church For Illegal Electioneering

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)