Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

New York Times (blog)

Pelosi Gets Fiscal Religion Over Boehner Hiring Attorney to Defend Gay ...
Fox News
But she and members of her camp have sounded more like fiscal conservatives ever since House Speaker John Boehner hired a law firm for up to $500000 to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal law banning gay marriage. ...
Blowback: Nothing defensible about DOMALos Angeles Times
Law firm dumps unpopular client to appease the left, breaching legal ethicsWashington Exa 10miner (blog)
Thoughts From the Interface of Science, Religion, Law and CultureScienceBlogs (blog)
Personal Liberty Digest
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Many traditions keep some from accepting same-sex unions
Monroe News Star
Most of the letters I get about religion and gay people are incendiary, so I've followed the ancient rabbinic wisdom that although it is a commandment to teach what can be learned, it's also a commandment not to teach what cannot be learned. ...

Gay & Spiritual meeting makes spiritual connectionnnection
Hofstra University Hofstra Chronicle
Members of the new Gay & Spiritual group gathered Tuesday at 8 pm in Plaza Room Middle of the Student Center. Gay & Spiritual aims to create an open dialogue discussing religion, spirituality and sexuality. Dustin Hausner and Caitlin Walsh, ...

USA Today

Gay Marriage Watch Called One of Best Marriage Equality Blogs
Other arguments are formed around parenting concerns, religion and tradition. Those in favor of equal rights and the legalization and recognition of same-sex marriages argue that denying them access to marriage also denies them access to the same ...
Ron Hart: Only in California: teaching gay historyAppeal-Democrat
Diocese of Providence Opposes Civil Union Bill- Wants No Equality For Lty For LGBT ...Lez Get Real

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Fink: Exploit the power of faith by focusing on goodness
... of religion are quick to point out its prominent role in a disproportionate share of the world's greatest evils: faith-based wars, slavery, environmental degradation, racism, and the oppression of women, native peoples, lesbians and gay men. ...

Anti-gay leader 'deserves pie'
The bill would require schools to implement comprehensive anti-bullying policies that include enumerated characteristics of students most often targeted, such as race, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity. The House introduction of the bill ...

< 10div class="lh">Thoughts From the Interface of Science, Religion, Law and Culture
ScienceBlogs (blog)
But those behind the effort to legitimize LGBT lifestyles won't be content until this kind of curricula is taught in all of our nation's schools. So what is being taught, you might ask, that should concern those of us in the creationist community? ...

<and more »

USA Today

Gay Marriage Watch Called One of Best Marriage Equality Blogs
Other arguments are formed around parenting concerns, religion and tradition. Those in favor of equal rights and the legalization and recognition of same-sex marriages argue that denying them access to marriage also denies them access to the same ...
Diocese of Providence Opposes Civil Union Bill- Wants No Equality For LGBT ...Lez Get Real

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On Top Magazine

'Marriage Equality' And The Civil Rights Movement
So as Byron talks about in the film, you know, yes, your religion may say or your church, more specifically, may be against gay marriage, but the church down the street might be for gay marriage. So you cannot - and as long as one church is for it, ...
Black Civil Rights and Gay Marriage: New Film Explores LinkThe Root

all 10 news articles »

Zee News

Moscow Okays Gay Pride Parade (blog)
Moscow officials have for the first time approved plans for a gay Pride event, reports Interfax-Religion. Officials have previously fought attempts to hold Pride events in the Russian capital and have refused to sanction them. Event organizers say that ...
Moscow Gay Pride OK'd by City Authorities?UK Gay News (press release)

all 34 news articles »

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