Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

National Day of Prayer spawns opposing celebration
San Antonio Express
Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State; Rabbi emeritus Samuel Stahl of Temple Beth-El; Javier Elizondo of Baptist University of the Americas; and Paul Zeise of MacArthur Park Lutheran Church, among others. ...

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David Sehat: Five myths about church and state
Capital Times
Many Americans believe that the First Amendment's separation of church and state safeguards religious liberty. But when the First Amendment was ratified in 1791, it did not apply to the states and would not until well into the 20th century. ...

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Americans United (blog)

Royal wedding holds lessons about church-state separation, experts say
Associated Baptist Press
Another panelist, Barry Lynn of American United for Separation of Church and State, noted the irony that in a country with an official church only one in 10 people attend religious services weekly. The Church of England formed early in the Protestant ...
Fighting The Establishment: Will The Royal Wedding Be The Church Of England's ...Americans United (blog)

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The great divide: separation of church and state
UNLV The Rebel Yell
Florida is attempting to pass a bill that would destroy the separation of church and state. The bill in question would remove a state constitutional provision that prevents the government from spending money on sectarian religious organizations. ...

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Forum to examine First Amendment
San Antonio Express
The leader of a national organization advocating for the separation of church and state will give the keynote speech Saturday at a free, public event designed to celebrate the First Amendment. The Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United ...

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Sixth Annual Day of Reason
PR-USA.net (press release)
Minnesota Atheists to hold the sixth annual Day of Reason, celebrating the separation of church and state, in the State Capital Rotunda at 12pm on May 5, 2011. The Day of Prayer event is scheduled to be held simultaneously on the steps leading to the ...

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Five myths about church and state in America
Washington Post
Board of Education, the Supreme Court demanded a more thorough separation of church and state. States could no longer endorse specific religions, and prayer and Bible reading in schools and blasphemy laws went on the chopping block. ...

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Watchdog Group Blasts Court̢۪s Reasoning In Controversial Case Over Government Endorsement Of Religion
Watchdog Group Says It Is Pleased With Fair Settlement That Ends Litigation In Orange County Legal Dispute
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Obama Administration Betrayed Public Education By Taking Wrong Side In Important School-Funding Case
Americans United Chastises U.S. House For Vote In Favor Of $100 Million Private School Voucher Scheme
Groups Seek Information About Army Support For Billy Graham Evangelism Rally
Senate Leaders Should Drop Invocations Out Of Respect For State̢۪s Religious Diversity, Church-State Watchdog Group Says
House Leaders Should Address The Nation̢۪s Pressing Problems And Leave Religious Issues Alone, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Deplores Congressional Committee Vote To Revive Federal Taxpayer Subsidy Of Ineffective Voucher Plan
Voucher Subsidies For D.C. Private Schools Undermine Civil Rights, Civil Liberties, Says Watchdog Group
Church-State Watchdog Group Tells Senate Committee That Federal Funds Should Not Go To Religious Schools
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Michigan School May Enforce Non-Discrimination Policy
Courts Should Provide Equal Justice For All, Not Promote Religious Law, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Voucher Program Would Undermine Civil Rights And Civil Liberties And Add To The Budget Deficit, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Johnson County Commission Allowed Posting Of Ten Commandments, But Turned Down Local Man̢۪s Church State Display, Watchdog Group Charges
Senate Finance Committee Staffers Are Wrong To Recommend Scrapping Federal ‘No-Electioneering’ Rule For Non-Profits, Says Watchdog Group
Church-State Watchdog Group Urges President To Ignore Missive Whining About National Motto
Removal Of Video At National Portrait Gallery Is Religiously Based Censorship, Church-State Watchdog Group Says
Bush-Era Rules That Allow Publicly Funded Religious Charities To Discriminate In Hiring Should Be Overturned, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Order Does Some Good Things, But Ignores Religion-Based Job Bias In Federally Funded Programs
Religious Right Forces Are Certain To Demand Action In Congress On Divisive Culture-War Concerns, Says AU̢۪s Lynn

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)