Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Proposed 'Religious Freedom' amendment could complicate separation of church ...
Florida Independent
Thomas Wenski, the archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Miami, says the current state ban against state funding for religious institutions is a “historic injustice.” # “This ban is inspired by a separation of church and state,” Wenski told the ...

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Syracuse.com (blog)

Thursday's Readers' Page centerpiece: church and state
Syracuse.com (blog)
By Readers' Page Several letter writers have contested the legality of the separation of church and state because that phrase does not appear in the Constitution. However, just because a word or phrase fails to appear in a document doesn't mean that ...

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Corey J. Hodges • Judge candidates by their politics, not their piety
Salt Lake Tribune
The hope is that all politicians honor the Constitution and the separation of church and state. Candidates should be judged by their political views, not their religious values, even though the two sometimes are one and the same.

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Sussex sued over Lord's Prayer
The News Journal
GEORGETOWN â€" Sussex County has been sued by the group Americans United for Separation of Church and State over its practice of starting council meetings with the Lord's Prayer. The suit was filed in federal court today on behalf of four Sussex ...
Delaware County Sued for Opening Meetings with Lord's PrayerBJC Blog from the Capital (blog)

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Justices rely on 'standing' in church-state disputes
The Christian Century
With losses in federal court, church-state separationists say they're hoping for better success in state courts. The Rev. Barry Lynn, execnn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, estimates that three dozen states have ...

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Churches aid rebuilding, but state faith office remains in background
Anniston Star
Opponents warned of an erosion of the separation of church and state. But in Alabama, the change was not that radical. In 2004, the administration of Gov. Bob Riley changed the name of what was then known as the Governor's Office on Community and ...

USA Today

Mormon Church: Religious Leaders Must Stay Out of Politics
The Mormon church has told its top leaders to stay out of politics. This latest ruling by the church isn't new, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution is the separation of church and state. This is nothing new for the Mormon church, ...
At least when it comes to Mormon presidential candidates, a little faith may ...CNN (blog)

all 64 news articles »

CNN International

Marriage advocates ask Rhode Island governor to veto any civil unions bill
San Diego Gay & Lesbian News
“This flawed civil union bill undermines a crucial principle that Rhode Island has always stood for -- respecting the separation of church and state,” said Marc Solomon, national campaign director for Freedom to Marry. “Not only does the bill propose a ...
Gay Marriage Advocates Aren't Celebrating Rhode Island's Version of Civil UnionsPatch.com

all 877 news articles »
President-Led Recitation Of The Lord’s Prayer Shows Unconstitutional Preference For One Faith, Watchdog Group Charges
Church-State Watchdog Group Says School-Sponsored Prayer Violates The Constitution And Court Precedent
Civil Liberties Organizations Say Scheme Violates Colorado Constitution
On Anniversary Of FDR Anti-Bias Order, Advocates of Civil Rights And Civil Liberties Are Asking Obama To Reverse Bush Rules Allowing Religious Discrimination
Display Of Religious Symbol Would Be Divisive And Could Lead To A Lawsuit, Church-State Watchdog Group Says
Watchdog Group Says Gov. Rick Perry Has No Business Behaving Like A Pastor
Candidates Ought To Reaffirm Church-State Separation, Not Kowtow To Religious Right, Says AU’s Lynn
Federal Judge Orders District To Drop School-Sponsored Prayers From Public Event
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Castroville Public School Is Violating Court Rulings By Including Prayers In Upcoming Ceremony
Church-State Watchdog Group Says So-Called ‘Ark Park’ Promotes Fundamentalist Religion And Bad Science
Religious And Civil Liberties Organizations Urge Federal Appeals Court To Reject Religious Bigotry
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Proposed USAID Changes Will Allow Taxpayer Funding Of Churches, Mosques And Temples
Church-State Watchdog Organization Says Individuals, Not Government, Should Make Decisions About Worship
Watchdog Group Blasts Court’s Reasoning In Controversial Case Over Government Endorsement Of Religion
Watchdog Group Says It Is Pleased With Fair Settlement That Ends Litigation In Orange County Legal Dispute
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Obama Administration Betrayed Public Education By Taking Wrong Side In Important School-Funding Case
Americans United Chastises U.S. House For Vote In Favor Of $100 Million Private School Voucher Scheme
Groups Seek Information About Army Support For Billy Graham Evangelism Rally
Senate Leaders Should Drop Invocations Out Of Respect For State’s Religious Diversity, Church-State Watchdog Group Says
House Leaders Should Address The Nation’s Pressing Problems And Leave Religious Issues Alone, Says AU’s Lynn

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)