Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Miley Cryus Adds New Tattoo to Support a Cause (photos)
The slogan is the centerpiece of a new campaign by a gay and lesbian rights group to promote same-sex marriage. Miley's support is in contrast to her fundamentalist Christian religion which condemns homosexuality and opposes gay marriage. ...

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On Top Magazine

PolitiFact Concludes: Most Catholics Support Gay Marriage
On Top Magazine
A Public Religion Research Institute poll released in May found 56 percent of respondents either strongly favored or favored allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry, and 36 percent said they either strongly opposed or opposed such marriages. ...
Garden State Equality Chairman Steven Goldstein says polls now show a majority ...PolitiFact

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Press TV

Will stripes & stars stay on US flag?
Press TV
... the new trend of permitting an open gay community in its military! The United States of America, which presents itself as a Christian country, has now opened a Pandora's Box and has taken a controversial step that goes against the religion of God. ...

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The Guardian

'I don't want to live denying I'm gay'
The Guardian
Oli Kasin: 'One of the things I found hard to come to terms with was my religion telling me homosexuality was wrong.' Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian I had been planning to tell my parents I was gay in the Christmas holidays, once I got home ...

The Guardian (blog)

The Equality and Human Rights Commission's choice is beyond belief
The Guardian (blog)
After supporting several gay equality cases, the EHRC now believes the rights of religious people are not being upheld. It stated: "Judges have interpreted the law too narrowly in religion or belief discrimination claims," leading to insufficient ...
At last, equality police decide Christians DO have right to follow beliefsDaily Mail
Equality commission explains 'compromise' plan for gay and religious
Commission backs religious claimsBBC News
National Secular Society (blog) -Eternity
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On gay marriage, equal rites for all?
Washington Post (blog)
The outcry by religious progressives over the decision of Sojourners magazine to reject a gay welcome ad raised the question, “Can a Christian organization claim the mantle of 'progressive' if they do not include LGBT issues as part of their overall ...

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Press TV

Will stripes & stars stay on US flag?
Press TV
... the new trend of permitting an open gay community in its military! The Uni United States of America, which presents itself as a Christian country, has now opened a Pandora's Box and has taken a controversial step that goes against the religion of God. ...

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Globe and Mail

New York State Senator Declares War on NY Marriage Equality
Religion Dispatches
Religion was prominent in the marches with people singing hymns, waving Bibles and crying out, “Jesus, Jesus.” Diaz, himself a minister, chose to wear his collar for the event, and completely discounted LGBT Christians and their religious allies by ...
Focusing On Our Own Families: A Christian Response to Same-Sex MarriageHuffington Post (blog)
New York marriage equality spurs on other states<a>Bay Windows
Outcome Editorial: New York Same Sex Marriage, DADT Repeal As Mile Posts to ...Outcome Buffalo

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O'Malley's courageous stand on gay marriage
Baltimore Sun
His is not an easy road to travel, but it is the kind of leadership that will keep all of us more able to practice our religion and secure the welfare of our families. The writer is chair of the LGBT Task Force of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative ...

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President Obama hasn't yet evolved on gay rights says 'barbarian' leader
Los Angeles Times
When the group was refused, they sprinkled glitter in the waiting room and chanted, "You can't pray away the gay, baby. I was born this way." "Marcus Bachmann is blatantly manipulating religion to marginalize a group of people," Espinosa said Friday. ...

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