Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

A Victory For Separation of Church & State Advocates!
Tucson Citizen
I pass it along to you because so few Americans, and a lot fewer Arizonans, understand that if the Constitutional principle of separation of church and state was respected, most of the destructive laws promoted by Center for Arizona Policy would never ...

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Ex-FLDS member: Warren Jeffs' "partially crazy"
CBS News
One of the reasons we have separation of church and state (as Madison, father of the US Constitution asserted) is so no church will get its tendrils into government and be able to control local, state, or federal government. In the case of Jeffs, ...
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Council firm on Family Dollar decision
In a Wednesday letter to Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, the South Bend Common Council's attorney said the city is standing by its decision to transfer the Family Dollar land to the new St. Joseph's High School. ...
South Bend will continue with St. Joseph's deal despite lawsuit threatWNDU-TV
South Bend plans to move forward with Family Dollar dealFox 28

all 11 news articles »

John Compere: Christian church must change to survive
Abilene Reporter-News
They ensured our Constitution provided separation of church and state with freedom from public religion and freedom of private religion because these two freedoms are basic to a democratic Republic. Inexplicably, some churches do not comprehend, ...

Separation of Church and School?
Sulphur Southwest Daily News
By Vickie Peoples Can a school be used as a church? Does the separation of church and state mean the separation of church and schools? That question was up for debate at Tuesday night's Calcasieu Parish School Board meeting. The new School Board policy ...

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Surprising support for separating church from state
San Antonio Express
It's been a good month for the much-maligned, often misunderstood principle of church-state separation. A whopping 67 percent of the American people agree that the First Amendment âہ"requires a clear separation of church and state ...
Religious right's Constitutional interpretation of church/state separation ...God Discussion

all 19 news articles »

The Moral Liberal

Two rabbis join suit against ballot question on religious funding
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Supporters of repealing the Blaine amendments say that they were passed as part of anti-Catholic fervor at the time; this was true of some of supporters, although Blaine himself was known primarily as a church-state separation advocate. ...
We asked you: Should Florida repeal a constitutional ban on taxpayer aid for ...Orlando Sentinel
Editorial: Deceptive languageGainesville Sun
Tax dollars for religion bad idea, then as nowTampabay.com

all 8 news articles »&obr>

The Dalai Lama and the Separation of Church and State in America
Huffington Post
Media outlets overlooked the irony of the Dalai Lama's well-received affirmation of church-state separation at a time when potential presidential candidates around the country are busily burnishing their Christian bonafides. Texas Gov. ...

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Governmental Favoritism In Religious Matters Violates Church-State Separation, Citizens̢۪ Rights, Court Holds
‘Family, Faith And Freedom’ Celebration Will Unite Community Around Diversity And Religious Liberty For All
State Board of Education Should Not Include Creationist Concepts, Watchdog Group Says
Amendment 7 Would Force Taxpayers To Fund Religion, Not Advance Religious Freedom, Lawsuit Says
At A Time Of Budget Cuts, Congress Should Not Divert Millions To Ineffective Private School Voucher Program, Coalition Says
Americans United Urges South Bend Common Council To Reconsider Plan To Donate Property To St. Joseph̢۪s High School
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Federal Tax Law Prohibits Political Activities By Religious Organizations
Americans United, Allies Urge Top Brass To Ensure That The Military Doesn̢۪t Sponsor Proselytizing In The Future
President-Led Recitation Of The Lord̢۪s Prayer Shows Unconstitutional Preference For One Faith, Watchdog Group Charges
Church-State Watchdog Group Says School-Sponsored Prayer Violates The Constitution And Court Precedent
Civil Liberties Organizations Say Scheme Violates Colorado Constitution
On Anniversary Of FDR Anti-Bias Order, Advocates of Civil Rights And Civil Liberties Are Asking Obama To Reverse Bush Rules Allowing Religious Discrimination
Display Of Religious Symbol Would Be Divisive And Could Lead To A Lawsuit, Church-State Watchdog Group Says
Watchdog Group Says Gov. Rick Perry Has No Business Behaving Like A Pastor
Candidates Ought To Reaffirm Church-State Separation, Not Kowtow To Religious Right, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Federal Judge Orders District To Drop School-Sponsored Prayers From Public Event
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Castroville Public School Is Violating Court Rulings By Including Prayers In Upcoming Ceremony
Church-State Watchdog Group Says So-Called ‘Ark Park’ Promotes Fundamentalist Religion And Bad Science
Religious And Civil Liberties Organizations Urge Federal Appeals Court To Reject Religious Bigotry
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Proposed USAID Changes Will Allow Taxpayer Funding Of Churches, Mosques And Temples

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)