Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

What a surprise that a nation claiming to be governed by "men of god" has introduced the new trend of permitting an open gay community in its military!
Re: Teresa Rapp’s July 6 letter, “Gay rights”: While I might agree with Rapp that the fight for gay rights are much different than the fight for African-American's civil rights, our common ground ends there.
The military's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy,” will be no more as of Sept. 20, when homosexual men and women will be allowed to serve openly in all branches of the U.S. armed forces.
The results of a 2007 survey of LGBT Latinas in Chicago, released Thursday, revealed disturbing statistics regarding violence and discrimination.
Mattie Leyden, 40, of Palm Springs is a member of an outreach committee for the Palm Springs Police Department. She is holding a wallet card, “Hate crimes: What to do if it happens to you.”
The controversy over whether it's possible to "pray the gay away" has once again hit the headlines with the recent reports about Michele Bachmann's husband, whose Christian therapy clinic has been caught by undercover media suggesting "reparative therapy" to reverse homosexuality.
Proof once again that 1. you need to be careful what you say in public and 2. you can't save some people from their own foolishness, a Red Bull Racing Team member has been fired because of some anti-gay remarks made on Twitter . Tire changer Jeremy Fuller posted the pic at right on his Twitter page, one which featured his Red Bull and NASCAR affiliations, with the words "This is way [sic] I don ...
Rick Perry. And that's just the beginning. The Texas governor, who very well still might jump into the GOP presidential contest, has just issued a video invitation to the Response, an August prayer event in Houston. The event is sponsored by the American Family Association, a group known for its anti-gay rhetoric; its president told the Texas Tribune that Jews and Muslims who fail to accept ...
The American debate over the mixing of politics and religion is swirling in Texas.

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