Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Christian Post

A Breakdown of Gay Marriage Support by Religion
The Atlantic Wire
As it turns out, certain religious groups show starkly contrasting levels of support for same-sex marriage, according to a report released today. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, America is evenly divided on the issue of gay ...
Millennials lead change in attitudes toward gays, survey findsOrlando Sentinel (blog)
More Young People Believe Gay Marriage Compatible With Religion?Christian PostMillennials Promise Brighter Future for Gay (blog)
Bay Area Reporter -Religion Dispatches (blog) -Jezebel
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Young Americans more at ease mixing religion and gay marriage
National Post (blog)
According to the survey, young people are driving public opinion to the tipping point on both gay marriage and theological acceptance of gay people. The poll, conducted by the Washington, DC-based Public Religion Research Institute, surveyed 3000 ...
Gay marriage at a standstill in PennsylvaniaTemple News

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Toronto Catholic board to debate whether religion trumps rights of gay students
Purdy, along with approximately 20 other students, is putting together a proposal to start a gay-straight alliance (GSA) at her school. The Grade 11 student says she is very interested to hear whether trustees at the TCDSB will support her proposal and ...

Gay-Funded Survey Claims Sea Change in Support of Same Sex Marriage
Christian Post
The Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) has released a poll touting a growing acceptance of same-sex marriage and a widening gap between younger and older Americans on the issue. ...

Salt Lake City Weekly

Gay in the GOP
Salt Lake City Weekly
“I've become a great student in the LDS religion,” Karger says. “I know obedience with the Mormon faith is obedience to the churchâ€"above family and above countryâ€"it's overriding, and that does concern me.” Karger has spent a lifetime involved in ...

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Christian Post

Study: Young Religious People Support Gay Marriage
Opposing Views
By GLAAD on Aug 29, 2011 Traditionally, people assume that religious groups generally oppose LGBT equality. However, the survey found that all people in all major religious groups support employment discrimination protections for gay and lesbian ...
Gay-Funded Survey Claims Sea Change in Support of Same Sex MarriageChristian Post
Millennials Promise Brighter Future for Gay (blog)
Online Extra: Wedding Bell Blues: Favor from 'millennials' bodes well for same ...Bay Area Reporter
>all 13 news articles »

Salt Lake City Weekly

Gay in the GOP
Salt Lake City Weekly
“I've become a great student in the LDS religion,” Karger says. “I know obedience with the Mormon faith is obedience to the churchâ€"above family and above countryâ€"it's overriding, and that does concern me.” Karger has spent a lifetime involved in ...

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Santorum says gay community is on a 'jihad' against him
Daily Caller
I'm not very religious myself but I do realize that religion does help people in life by providing them a moral compass. These LGBTs (sounds like a pesticide) while they may win this in govt it will always be there simmering because gay is not the same ...

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National Presbyterian Church of Mexico Breaks Off Over Gay Issue
@slanty: As a non-religious non-Christian, I have to wonder if you realize that your argument is ultimately every bit as fantastical as atheists claim religion is. What you're arguing is that LGBT support can only come about in a world without ...
Presbyterian Church Faces Split Over Anti-Gay Conservative MovementThe New Civil Rights Movement

at;b>all 7 news articles »

Let's Face it â€" Homophobia is So Gay
Falls Church News Press
Of course, I'm not suggesting that the majority of people with anti-gay attitudes are actually gay. Most hostility still comes from heterosexuals brought up in families where religion-based bigotry is preached. But, I strongly believe that those who ...

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