Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

The Politics of Jesus in 2012
Huffington Post
Doesn't the separation of church and state forbid such a mixing of the two? The United Methodist Church believes that the church has the moral imperative to act for the common good. For people of faith, therefore, there are no political or spiritual ...

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South Bend Tribune

Lawsuit against South Bend's St. Joseph's HS plan heard Wednesdnesday
Absolutely no clue what Separation of Church and State really means and a reference to molestation? Really? That is beyond offensive. Second, the city probably did get ripped off, but in the realm of infrastructure costs a million dollars won't buy ...
Family Dollar land issueWSBT-TV
Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, SportsFirst hearing in lawsuit ...Fox 28

all 23 news articles »

Separation of Church and State
Free Times
To the mouth-breathing moron who doesn't understand separation of church and state (Rant & Rave, Aug. 17): Your misunderstanding of the establishment clause notwithstanding, Thomas Jefferson â€" you know, the dude who wrote the Constitution â€" wrote, ...

Rick Santorum's Ignorant Anti-Gay Marriage Stance Shut Down By Fierce College ...
... would define as bigotry - ie, the usual right wing, intolerant garbage that it will undermine the sanctity of marriage that the Catholic church preaches, you know, DESPITE THE FACT THAT THERE IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SEPARATION BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE! ...

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The Guardian

The Tea Party has a point about religion and the founding fathers
The Guardian
It's time to brush up on all that separation of church and state stuff. A central claim of the holy Tea Party folk is that this separation is a myth, that the founding fathers never intended it, that it's a secular liberal invention, ...

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Your View: City is ripe for centennial Franco-American exhibit
I'm going to get in hot water with the "separation of church and state" crowd here, but so spectacular is St. Anthony of Padua Church designed by Joseph Venne of Montreal and built with the contributions of French Canadian mill workers that I think it ...

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Separation of church and weather
Bennington Banner
It means church and weather should get a divorce and block each other's numbers. Since church and state are no longer the same thing -- church should secede from climatology. It's not for the sake of the weather -- it's really for the sake of the ...

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Buell lawyer: District believes teacher violated churcht;/b>-state provision
Orlando Sentinel
Jerry Buell might not have violated a Lake County Schools ethics policy, but according to his lawyer the school district believes he violated the constitutional provision of separation of church and state. ...
Class Resumes for Florida Teacher Suspended for Criticizing Same-Sex MarriageWall Street Journal (blog)
Jerry Buell: 'I Try to Teach and Lead My Students as if Lake Co. Schools Had ...Towleroad
Teacher compared teaching style to Jesus' before anti-gay rantPinkNews.co.uk

all 24 news articles »
South Bend Funding Of St. Joseph̢۪s High School Unconstitutionally Forces Taxpayers To Support Religion, Says Federal Lawsuit
Americans United, ACLU Challenged Scheme That Used Taxpayer Funds To Pay Religious School Tuition
Church-State Watchdog Calls For A Narrow Interpretation Of ‘Ministerial Exemption’
Governor̢۪s Sponsorship Of Evangelistic Event Transgresses Church-State Boundary, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Governmental Favoritism In Religious Matters Violates Church-State Separation, Citizens̢۪ Rights, Court Holds
‘Family, Faith And Freedom’ Celebration Will Unite Community Around Diversity And Religious Liberty For All
State Board of Education Should Not Include Creationist Concepts, Watchdog Group Says
Amendment 7 Would Force Taxpayers To Fund Religion, Not Advance Religious Freedom, Lawsuit Says
At A Time Of Budget Cuts, Congress Should Not Divert Millions To Ineffective Private School Voucher Program, Coalition Says
Americans United Urges South Bend Common Council To Reconsider Plan To Donate Property To St. Joseph̢۪s High School
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Federal Tax Law Prohibits Political Activities By Religious Organizations
Americans United, Allies Urge Top Brass To Ensure That The Military Doesn̢۪t Sponsor Proselytizing In The Future
President-Led Recitation Of The Lord̢۪s Prayer Shows Unconstitutional Preference For One Faith, Watchdog Group Charges
Church-State Watchdog Group Says School-Sponsored Prayer Violates The Constitution And Court Precedent
On Anniversary Of FDR Anti-Bias Order, Advocates of Civil Rights And Civil Liberties Are Asking Obama To Reverse Bush Rules Allowing Religious Discrimination
Civil Liberties Organizations Say Scheme Violates Colorado Constitution
Display Of Religious Symbol Would Be Divisive And Could Lead To A Lawsuit, Church-State Watchdog Group Says
Watchdog Group Says Gov. Rick Perry Has No Business Behaving Like A Pastor
Candidates Ought To Reaffirm Church-State Separation, Not Kowtow To Religious Right, Says AU̢۪s Lynn
Federal Judge Orders District To Drop School-Sponsored Prayers From Public Event

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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)