Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

'God vs. Gay?' author Jay Michaelson to speak Tuesday, Wednesday at South ... (blog)
"I know that many LGBT Jews have had to choose between their religion and orientation. That's a horrible decision to have to make," Lichtman said. "I've known [gay] people who had to leave their temples when they adopted children or married their ...

Can Evangelicals Ever Tolerate Gay Marriage?
Huffington Post (blog)
It's one of many signs I've seen, in observing Muslim and Christian societies, that culture drives religion far more than religion drives culture. The conservative Christian senses the possibility of himself being divorced and remarried someday, ...

The Pretzel Logic of Religion and Politics
Religion Dispatches
The philosophy of “rendering to Caeser” did not pertain, it appears, to allowing civil society the prerogative to establish equality under the law for women during the Equal Rights Amendment struggle of the 1970s and 1980s or for gay couples during ...

and more »

Lez Get Real

Do Gay Rights Violate Religious Freedom?
Tucson Citizen
Is it a violation of someone's freedom of religion if part of their job requires them to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples? That is the question at issue in the case of a New York town clerk, who feels it violates her religious rights of ...
Anti-Gay Religious Group Denounces DoD Same-Sex Marriage DirectiveLez Get Real
Military chaplains ask Congress to intervene in response to Pentagon's gay ...Hot Air
Crunching the Same-Sex NumbersChristian Post
The New American
all 54 news articles »

'God vs. Gay?' author Jay Michaelson to speak Tuesday, Wednesday at South ... (blog)
"I know that many LGBT Jews have had to choose between their religion and orientation. That's a horrible decision to have to make," Lichtman said. "I've known [gay] people who had to leave their temples when they adopted children or married their ...

San Diego Jewish Journal

Yom Limmud: San Diego's Community Day of Learning
San Diego Jewish Journal
Gay? The Religious Case for Equality,” Michaelson examines religious texts and teachings in terms of sexuality and sexual diversity, making the argument that “religious people, Jews and Christians, particularly, should support rights for LGBT ...

A Blessed Samhain
Patheos (blog)
Literata and Morwen, The Slacktiverse LGBT writers, such as poet Judy Grahn, have written of Halloween as a “great gay holiday.” Grahn wrote in her history of gay culture, Another Mother Tongue, that Halloween came to be observed by gay people as their ...

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Loyola Christian group offers spiritual outlet for gay religious students
The goal of the organization is to provide a welcoming and comfortable environment for students to discuss spiritual and religious beliefs from an LGBT perspective. "Recognizing that our GLBTQ sisters and brothers are often excluded as the 'other' in ...

'Homophobic church' as oxymoron
Toronto's MCC congregation has done countless good works for gay and lesbian Christians, even housing the Triangle Program in the lower levels of its Church. However, this can't take away the sting of Wilson's exclusionary religious language. ...

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