From both sides (T24R-5)

Independent Online

Police ban gay arts festival as threat to public order in Muslim-majority Malaysia
Washington Post
The “Sexual Independence” festival has been held under low-key circumstances in Kuala Lumpur since 2008, but growing awareness about the event has lead to criticism by politicians and religious leaders. This year's five-day festival â€" starting Nov. ...
Police reportedly ban gay festival in MalaysiaThe Associated Press

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Passport Magazine (blog)

Gay alumnus partners with GetEQUAL Ohio to fight school's "erasure"
Windy City Times
While California makes a concerted effort to accept all lifestyles by legally requiring textbooks to include LGBT Americans, private religious institution Delaware Christian School (DCS) hopes to "erase" LGBT Americans one by one. ...
Important Events in Support of LGBT Rights in OhioPassport Magazine (blog)

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Detroit Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim Prayer Event Gets Mixed Reviews
Associated Content
TheCall, a fundamentalist Christian prayer rally, concluded its 11-11-11 event in Detroit recently. The Kansas-based group, known for its anti-gay, anti-Muslim message got mixed reviews. Event protesters, consisting not just of LGBT activists and ...

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Nigerian Ban on Gay Marriage
Huffington Post UK (blog)
I am proud to be Nigerian and Christian. My outlook on life is based on hope, love and a belief that, however long it takes, the best will eventually triumph over the worst. I love my people. We have an optimism about our country, and a beautiful and ...

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NIGERIA: Tightening the noose on gay rights
Religious disapproval can have a devastating impact on gay people, said Ugwu. “The church has zero tolerance for homosexuality. The only time they will accept someone being homosexual is if they come to 'confess' and 'repent' of it, to say they are ...

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USA Today

Bishops to address gay marriage, abortion at fall meeting
USA Today
The bishops' strategy is centered around their new Committee for Religious Liberty. It was unveiled just days after the bishops' president, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, warned President Obama that his decision not to defend a federal ban on gay ...
Bishops gear up for fight with ObamaNational Catholic Reporter

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Malaysia states eye harsher laws for Muslim gays
If the proposed changes came into force, a Muslim homosexual could be punished under both federal and state religious charges, meaning that jail terms could run consecutively and result in longer time. Analysts said the proposed amendments hinted at an ...
Malaysia Eyes Harsher Laws on

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