From both sides (T24R-5)


Despite Protest Against Anti-Gay Chik-Fil-A , NYU Student Council Sides With ...
The companyâ€"whose only New York location is located within a NYU dormâ€"has donated nearly $2 million to controversial Christian organizations and Dworkoski believes that violates the university's non-discrimination policy. "Gay rights are human rights ...
Chick-fil-A calls Northeastern cancellation 'hasty'
Chick-fil-A Tries To Mask Anti-Gay Record As Northeastern University Rejects ...ThinkProgress
Student government vote bars Chick-fil-A eatery at local Mass. universityRainbow Times

all 18 news articles »

Opposing Views

St. Louis Catholic School Fires Gay Music Teacher
Opposing Views
Leaders of DignityUSA, the national organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Catholics (LGBT) are deeply saddened, but not surprised, to hear of yet another gifted, well-loved, gay Catholic employee being fired for being in love.
LGBT Issues: Catholic School Fires LGBT TeacherThe Daily Activist

& lt;font class="p" size="-1">all 48 news articles »

Pink Paper

Oxford To Host Homophobic Group; Graduate Returns Degree (blog)
by Kristina Chew A graduate of Oxford University has handed back his degree to protest the University's Exeter College deciding to host an anti-gay conference that is run by a religious group, Christian Concern, which has backed a “gay cure” along with ...
Man returns degree to Oxford college after it books Christian Concern conferencePink Paper

all 6 news articles »

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