Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

New Delhi, Feb. 29: Organisations representing Hindus, Muslims and Christians today objected to the Delhi High Court order legalising consensual homosexual behaviour in private on the grounds that it was “immoral” and against “religion” and “majoritarian sexual morality”.
The bench also directed a senior health ministry official to be present in the court tomorrow to present comprehensive statistics on the number of HIV-affected people in the country.
Christians wanting exemption from equality legislation are like Muslims trying to impose sharia, says Trevor Phillips.
Jason Conner (left) and J Mason will lead the Soulforce Equality Ride to fight religion-based bigotry against LGBT people.
LGBT-rights rally vents fury over failed legislation By Rosemary Winters The Salt Lake Tribune Published Feb 29, 2012 09:40PM MDT As lawmakers met on Wednesday in their final committee hearings this session, more than 100 people shouted outside their doors to protest lawmakers inaction on measures that would protect Utah’s gay and transgender community. They called out several Republican ...
The first installment of the LGBT Lecture Series for Spring 2012 tackles one of the biggest issues facing the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community: Religion. UH’s LGBT Resource Center and the GLBT Studies Minor Program will present “Religion & The LGBT Person,” from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Lone Star Room of [...]
Virginia legislators have passed a bill allowing private adoption agencies to deny placements that conflict with their religious or moral beliefs, including opposition to homosexuality.
Bob Green, a one-time radio DJ who married pop singer and Miss Oklahoma Anita Bryant, was found dead Jan. 26 in his Miami Beach home. He was 80.
Lawmakers scrap effort to ban anti-gay discrimination By Rosemary Winters The Salt Lake Tribune Published Feb 4, 2012 08:08AM MDT Despite strong support in public polls and endorsements from prominent business leaders, lawmakers on Friday snuffed out a statewide effort to ban discrimination against gay and transgender Utahns. In a 4-2 vote, a Senate committee shelved SB51 after a 90-minute ...

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