From both sides (T24R-5)

Christian leader blames 'homosexual agenda' for Hurricane Sandy
Religious spokespeople have frequently tried to draw bizarre connections between natural disasters and the LGBT community. Last year, the American Family Association's Buster Wilson similarly claimed that Hurricane Isaac was punishment for the Southern ...
Anti-Gay Christian Leader Blames Homosexuality for Hurricane SandyTruthdig
Preacher Tells Flock that Gays Stirred Up Hurricane
Christian Chaplain Blames Hurricane Sandy on GaysTowleroad
Montreal Gazette (blog)
all 84 news articles »

The 10 Greatest Indignities Committed Against LGBT People
Huffington Post
We are denied our religious freedom. Marriage has been denied gay people for one reason only: Major religions are against it. Period. There are many that are not against it, however, and those religions are ignored and gutted of power. Those who enjoy ...

and more »

Gay marriage is going to happen, and that's a fact
My conclusion is that there are many many cultures that don't and far more that historically never have sanctioned gay marriage; only a minority of the objections against it therefore, can be reliably attributed to religion. So the opening lines of ...

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