Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

After gay marriage successes, gay activists look to build on new faith ...
CNN (blog)
(CNN) â€" It may not sound very powerful, but gay rights activist Debra Peevey said that a two-inch green button played a major role in convincing voters to legalize gay marriage this month in her home state of Washington. “Another Person of Faith ...


Rick Warren on gay marriage
CNN (blog)
The religious just use "gay lifstyle" as a term of derision in an attempt to create an "us" vs "them". I have never understood how gay people do harm to them. I know their magic book and invisible friend don't like you but they have quite the crusade ...
Rick Warren, Saddleback Pastor: Obama Has 'Infringed' Upon Religious LibertiesHuffington Post
“America's Pastor”: Acting On Gay Feelings Like Punching A Guy In The NoseQueerty

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Terry Mattingly: What may happen if gay marriage becomes a civil right
Gay-rights advocates know the formula and so do their opponents: If gay marriage becomes a civil right, then religious believers who defend ancient doctrines on marriage will become de facto segregationists and suffer the legal consequences. "Before we ...

Dear Salvation Army: Time to Condemn Uganda's 'Kill the Gays' Bill
Huffington Post (blog)
Why invite a lot of debate about biblical authority, the role of religion in government and the role of outside religious leaders in discussing other countries' laws? But if you take the time to look closely at this issue, you'll find that condemning ...
Status of Uganda Anti-Gay Bill Unclear; US Religious Right Support Isn'tReligion Dispatches

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Daily Beast

Mormon, Jewish Gay Men Sue “Conversion Therapy” Outfit for Fraud
Religion Dispatches
Yesterday, plaintiffs backed by the Southern Poverty Law Center announced a suit accusing a New Jersey-based, religion-themed gay “conversion therapy” of violating the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act. Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH) ...
Gay Jews Sue Over Therapy “Cure”Daily Beast
5 things you should know about gay conversion therapyMother Nature Network
Gay 'Conversion Therapy' Faces Test in CourtsNew York Times
Yahoo! News (blog) (blog) -American Thinker (blog)
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After gay marriage successes, gay activists look to build on new faith ...
CNN (blog)
(CNN) â€" It may not sound very powerful, but gay rights activist Debra Peevey said that a two-inch green button played a major role in convincing voters to legalize gay marriage this month in her home state of Washington. “Another Person of Faith ...

Rick Warren on gay marriage
CNN (blog)
religions in middle east are falafelism, corruption of truth by Thin gay criminal Kings and their criminal Prophets Mo hammads, fortune tellers, expect nothing better, they were invented not to unite gay community, but to divide gay community humanity ...

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Gay bishop Gene Robinson sets sights on DC as retirement looms
Washington Post (blog)
“There is a better way of injecting religious belief and faith into the public debate, and it starts with a certain kind of humility.” For Robinson, causes from gay rights to the environment and a robust social safety net fall under a single rubric ...

Dear Salvation Army: Time to Condemn Uganda's 'Kill the Gays' Bill
Huffington Post (blog)
In response to this appalling legislation, the usual religious and secular activists have mobilized, the usual petitions have circulated and the usual condemnations have been issued. ... There are are stories of local offices refusing to help LGBT ...

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Daily Beast

Gay Jews Sue Over Therapy “Cure”
Daily Beast
As a gay Orthodox Jew, Unger was facing the core paradox of his religion's approach to homosexuality. Devout Jews are told to seek love, find companionship, and express compassionâ€"all values seemingly at odds with harsh condemnation of gays and ...
The Latest Sexual Tyranny from the Southern Poverty Law CenterAmerican Thinker (blog)

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