
Showing posts from December, 2012

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Religion and Sexuality Uncomfortable bedfellows: religion and sexuality Don't be influenced by homosexual lifestyle KUALA LUMPUR: Muslims in the country must not be easily influenced by the spread of homosexual lifestyle among Muslims in Europe, said Deputy Minister in the Prime MinisterĂ¢€™s Department Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim. Pope signals inter-religion alliance against gay marriage * Pope throws weight behind study by leading French rabbi * Bernheim report on gay marriage is talk of France * Vatican wants alliance with other religions on issue VATICAN CITY, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Pope Benedict, indicatingthe Vatican's desire to forge alliances with other religionsagainst gay marriage, on Friday said the family was threatened"to its foundations" by attempts to change its "true ... Diana Scholl: Sharing the Stories of LGBT Youth: Alex, 19, From Minneapolis, Minn. We Are the Youth

From both sides (T24R-5)

Obama Urging State Lawmakers To Legalize Gay Marriage In Illinois Huffington Post Why do I as a non-believe or even a religious person who supports same-sex marriage have to be dictated by YOUR 'God', YOUR 'Bible, or YOUR 'morals'. What does that have to do with me? Why does your relgion and morals get to chose who I want to ... The Guardian I'm gay and in love with my heteroflexible best friend The Guardian Some of the worst homophobic jokes I've heard have flown from the mouths of such bosom buddies, and I wonder if such friendships only truly blossom when the lines are clearly drawn. Or am I being too 80s about sexuality? It certainly used to be a lot ... LGBT news in a nutshell: Review of 2012 So So Gay Oxford City striker Lee Steele had his contract terminated by the club, as the result of a homophobic message he posted on Twitter regarding gay rugby star Gareth Thomas, who was appearing on Celebrity Big

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Religion and Sexuality Uncomfortable bedfellows: religion and sexuality Don't be influenced by homosexual lifestyle KUALA LUMPUR: Muslims in the country must not be easily influenced by the spread of homosexual lifestyle among Muslims in Europe, said Deputy Minister in the Prime MinisterĂ¢€™s Department Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim. Pope signals inter-religion alliance against gay marriage * Pope throws weight behind study by leading French rabbi * Bernheim report on gay marriage is talk of France * Vatican wants alliance with other religions on issue VATICAN CITY, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Pope Benedict, indicatingthe Vatican's desire to forge alliances with other religionsagainst gay marriage, on Friday said the family was threatened"to its foundations" by attempts to change its "true ... Diana Scholl: Sharing the Stories of LGBT Youth: Alex, 19, From Minneapolis, Minn. We Are the Youth

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Separation of church and state prevails North County Times Apparently, Killion is in accord with David Barton, the preeminent history revisionist who claims separation of church and state is a myth. I think Jefferson is better qualified to speak on the matter. Killion ignored my previous comment: Ă¢€œWomen's ... Rick Warren on separation of church and state : Bush "used his faith to ... CNN (blog) Coming up on this Christmas Eve, "Piers Morgan Tonight" welcomes Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church to the program. Welcoming his guest for a primetime interview, Piers Morgan asks the American evangelical Christian pastor and author his ... and more » Christian Post Church - State Group Does Not Want Court to Consider Elmbrook Case Christian Post Americans United for Separation of Church and State called upon the U.S. Supreme Court to not hear an appeal brought by Elmbrook School District of Brookfield. Simon Brown of

Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Image Gay marriage 'could lead to unforeseen consequences' on children Gay marriage 'could lead to unforeseen consequences' on children. The Government's proposals to legalise gay marriage could have unforeseen impacts on children, a leading Roman Catholic archbishop has warned. Gay marriage could lead to unforeseen ... Legalising gay marriage would undermine Christian view of family, claims ... Daily Mail England's Anti- Gay Catholic Leaders Need To Lay Off The Sci-Fi Towleroad all 65 news articles » NPR Same-Sex Marriage And Adoption: Unresolved Issues In France NPR The absence of a religious tone to the French protests seems strange to someone used to the Bible-centric, American opposition to gay marriage. Recently in the city of Lyon, hundreds of people acted out a scene with a person dressed in a butterfly suit ... Gay marriage vs. natural law Chicago Tribune all 110 news articles »

From both sides (T24R-5)

Image The 25 Worst Anti-LGBT Villains Of 2012 Huffington Post Carder took his views to Twitter, tweeting: "I don't agree with being gay or lesbian at all, but saying faggot doesn't make me a homophobe , it's just a word," among other comments. He did apologize, however, and claimed his tweets do not reflect his ... 150 Game Changing Wins that Made 2012 the Gayest Year Ever. Towleroad We need leadership, not mob rule, to win gay marriage Gay Star News all 164 news articles » San Diego Gay & Lesbian News RGOD2: LGBT people face greater visibility, more persecution in 2013 San Diego Gay & Lesbian News The human rights framework is secondary to my deeper moral framework, which comes from my understanding of Scriptures and religious ethical teaching. I am sure ... Our human rights framework may be protecting and supporting lots of people out there ... Haaretz Gay Jews in the UK to document life over the rain